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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202325669 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网
本文是一篇国际贸易论文,研究报告分析了 2009 年至 2018 年俄罗斯远东与中国东北区域的合作计划,并结合理论方法论对可能的区域合作发展战略和途径进行了概述。

1. Introduction

1.1. Research background
The tendency to cooperate in order to benefit from mutual integration anddevelopment of cross border areas nowadays is recognized in different parts of theworld. The brightest example of manifestation of regionalization phenomenon isobservable in European area where expansion of European Union is “erasing”political, economic and social borders (Shadrina, 2006; Lundquist &Trippl, 2009).Structural changes and new possibilities for region autonomy increase the number ofsignificant cross-border areas all over the world. International cross-bordercollaboration allows both further positive development or leads to creation of newbarriers between regions. It turns out to be especially significant in terms of territoriesbeing in geographical adjacency. By successful mutual cooperation, these areas maynot only find “path out” from old national territorial dependency but also jointlyidentify challenges for improvement and opportunities hidden behind the borderbetween them (J rvi , 2011; Trippl, 2013; Crouch and Farrell, 2004).
However there are different approaches towards cross-border efficiency andcooperation. Most of modern European scientists consider cross-border cooperation astransition stage to integrated innovation space. The others like Lundquist and Winther(2006) argue that cross-border cooperation could be considered as a base forinnovative space creation as most of cross-border regions are not characterized bycollective learning systems or by socio-cultural and institutional proximity that isassumed to be an important prerequisite for successful localized innovation systems.

1.2. Research significance
In my research paper I focused on particular cross-border area that covers Eastof Russian Federation so called Russian Far East (RFE) and the North East of China(NEC), mainly including Heilongjiang province so as Jilin.Both Russia and China areimportant members of international economic and political processes. Covering alarge territory with some of country parts lying on the periphery from national statecenter, both countries are seeking for new ways to develop mutually beneficialregional cooperation. Possessing large number of potential advantages for developinga highly innovative cooperation between regions, such as geographical advantage,abundance of natural resources, strong scientific and research potential, as well asstrong cooperation promotion and support on both regional and governmental levels,make Russian Far East and North East of China to a favorable developmentcross-border region. However cross-border integration between mentioned regions isnot well researched and therefore conducting analysis and further studies on regioncross-border barriers and opportunities is seen as potentially useful for developing apath towards collaborative innovation cooperation.
1996 is considered to be a turning point for the proclamation of “strategicpartnership” between Russia and China including creation of cross-border initiatives.The most recent, detailed and strategically important agreement on the RFE and theNEC cooperation was presented and established during 64th United Nation GeneralAssembly session on 29th of September in 2009 in New York. President of RussianFederation DmitrijMedvediev and leader of China Hu Jintao officially affirmedprogram of RFE and NEC regional cooperation on the period from 2009-2018 thatincludes 8 main cooperation policy directions and more than 150 additionally attachedkey projects (ChinaRusLaw, 2010).

2. Theoretical approach

2.1. Theoretical approach
Cross-border area is a concept that comes out of bigger occurrences such asglobalization and regional development. Growing trend of spatial reorganization ofproduction process, cross-border diffusion of industries and consumer goods, andmassive growth of markets and labor recourses are stimulating internationalcross-border interactions (Mittelman, 1996). Trippl in her research describescross-border integration as a way out from conservative national territorialdependency to new path of regional improvement and development (Trippl, 2013).She is pointing the importance of analyzing already existing conditions and relationsbetween cross-border regions as well as new path for development.
Theoretical core of my research is a concept of cross-border integrationstrategies. In my research paper I will stress out existing advantages for cross-borderregions as well as differences or barriers existing between the regions. Theoreticalapproach is based on research of Karl-Johan Lundquist and Michaela Trippl (2009;2011), who tend to see cross-border areas as regions with potential to develop intoregional innovative systems.
Lundquist s and Trippl s cross-border regional innovative system facesdifferent kind of policy problems on each of three development stages. At the firststage, cross-border cooperation is rather in its preliminary phase, and aiming toovercome geographical and institutional obstacles. Second stage allows concentratingon eliminating of cultural and functional difference. Third stage, as the last and mostadvantage one, is aiming to break cognitive difference, which is represented indifferent knowledge base and experience.


2.2. Conceptual framework
This sub-chapter is designed to create a theoretical frame for further studies, aswell as provide main theoretical definitions and concepts that are about to use infollowing research.
2.2.1. Cross-border area
One of the research core concepts is cross-border area concept.Therefore it isnecessary to provide an explanation on what is considered a cross-border area. Thefirst understanding of a concept is based on geographical location and geographicaladjacency concept: cross-border region is a border zone of two or more differentnational states, each region from both sides may include several administrate units. Atthe same time neighboring territories may greatly vary in terms of geographic (size,location, resource abundance), economic, political, cultural (language, history,traditions) aspects.
There are usually two main reasons why neighbor regions tend to integrate anddevelop cooperation. First reason is their peripheral position, they are mostly locatedin a rather distance from counties main center. National communication and trafficnetworks are usually located in relative remoteness from peripheral areas thatdetermine frequently poor underdeveloped infrastructure (Kr tke and Borst, 2007).The other reason is frequently that fact that both regions are seeking for newdeveloping paths to overcome high national dependency.
3. Background of economic cooperation between Russia and China................22
3.1 Significance and scope of economic cooperation between Russia andChina……………….22
3.1.1 Cooperation in trade………...24
3.1.2 Cooperation in investments………............27
4. Regional economic cooperation between Russia and China..............44
4.1 Regional economic cooperation between RFE and CNE…………44
4.1.1. Russian Far East overview…………….48
4.1.2. China North East overview…………….48
5. Priority issues in regional economic cooperation between Russia andChina................70
5.1. Future direction for regional Russian- Chinese economic cooperation…… 70
5.1.1 Cross-border area definition………………70
5.1.2 Cross-border area integration process and economiccooperation…………....71

5. Priority issues in regional economic cooperation between Russia and China

5.1 Future direction for regional Russian- Chinese economic cooperation
5.1.1. Cross-border area definition
Based on theoretical concept and features of cross-border area presented inChapter 2, RFE and CNE could be described as cross-border areas. They havedifferent national belonging, share a common border and aim to have interaction ondifferent levels, including economic, cultural, social and political level. In Chapter 4 Iprovided facts, which state both of the regions to be located on the periphery from thenational state point of view. Furthermore, both of the regions seem to becomplementary in terms of benefit from cooperation to each other. Both of the regionsaim to break up with old traditional economic behavior patterns. The interest fromCNE side could be breaking with old industrial development path and shortage ofnatural resources. RFE side interest lie within developing self-sufficiency of theregion, becoming more independent from governmental policy and break up withperipheral territory development path. New policy for development of both regions isbased on two separate documents: “North East of China revitalization program” and“Economic and social development of the Far East of Russian (and Transbaikalia).”However looking back to theoretical definition of cross-border area, it is important tomention, that differences between regions play a key role in shaping the integrationprocess and choosing an integration path. Both of the regions have differentenvironments, including economy structure, culture, language, social and populationdifference, institutional system etc. Based on the differences and existing barriersbetween regions we can provide an analyses on possible cooperation and integrationdevelopment.

6. Research conclusion and perspectives

6.1 Research conclusion
The tendency to integrate and cooperate between regions is a worldwide spreadphenomenon. That s the reason of pervasive mentioning of cross-border regions inliterature and mass-media. Cross-border regions both have similarities, which allowthem to follow mutual development goals and form joint strategies based onsimilarities of pursued interests, as well as differences, which contribute to shape theintegration and cooperation path and make it possible to create complementary goals.
The focus of this research paper was made on the cross-border areas of the FarEast of Russia and North-East of China that are in the beginning of their integrationprocess. The most recent step towards cross-border regional cooperation was officialpolicy on the Russian Far East and the North-East of China cooperation for the period2009-2018. By describing of various types of economic cooperation between givencross-border regions and analyzing of implemented new policies on both regional andgovernmental level, I tried to reflect the importance of economic cooperation betweenRFE and China.
Defining existing differences between regions and attempts to overcome them,allowed describing an integration level between two cross-border regions, which isdefined as initial stage. Gathering empirical knowledges of economic cooperationstatus on state level between Russia and China, as well as describing a background oftwo country relations allowed to explain the importance of country regionsdevelopment and both RFE and CNE areas self-sufficient level improvement.
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