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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202325647 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research background
There’re huge contingencies for pushing forward energy and electricitypartnership amidst countries along the OBOR. First and foremost, such anexpansion and partnership between PRC and all neighboring countries recentlybecame the main international way of developing within the region and thehotspot problems are actually manageable. These countries all attach super greatimportance to economic expansion and their all political mutual entrusting hasbecome much deeper. Also, with PRC’s increasing its great influence onneighborhood and meanwhile improving role in global markets, its tradingrelations with partner countries are being formed more and more closer.
It’s is important to note that, as the partnership amidst countries along theOBOR is already proven by a number of mechanisms and has even resulted inlots of accomplishments, a sound foundation has been laid for even deepeningpower and supply partnership among them. At the same time, there’re alsonumerous challenges, such as negative results from the game playing from majorworld powers, the absence of compromises over interests among countries in theregion, differences in the level of developing, and short-term regional hotspotissues, that are all probably to make obstacles to power and supply partnership incountries along the OBOR.
The policies that may be adopted to keep pushing forward the power andsupply partnership within countries along the OBOR all include the following:coordinating with countries in the region and also with global mechanisms, keepwinning support from major governments, and actively forming a favorableglobal status.

1.2 Research purpose and significance
The OBOR is a comprehensive initiative for regional partnership betweenPRC and its western and southern neighbors. It’s also a crucial measure toconsolidate the achievements of PRC’s neighborhood diplomacy, to coordinatethe expansion of its partnerships with various neighbors and to make a morefavorable global environment for PRC’s rejuvenation. Power and supply are notonly the blood for expansion, but the guarantee for safety. Strategic safety is thecore concern, while power and supply are just its carrier.
1. Giving long-term impetus to the construction of OBOR
Promoting power and supply partnership amidst the countries within theOBOR region, and strengthening the partnership between PRC and resourcecountries as well as transit countries featuring mutual benefit and win-winoutcome, can help PRC realize persified supply of power and supply, safer andmore convenient transportation, and a reasonable pricing mechanism. This issignificant to ensuring PRC’s power and supply safety, expanding its expansionspace, and supporting the sustainable and healthy growth of its economy.
Meanwhile, utilizing PRC’s advantages that are complementary with othercountries and constructing power and supply infrastructure can not only helpresource countries to revitalize their power industries, but also offer PRCcontingencies to increase its capital and technology value, and provide a widerspace for economic growth of related countries. These advantages constitute thelong-term impetus to the construction of OBOR.


Chapter 2 Power and Supply Partnership Withinthe Framework of OBOR

2.1. Contingencies for power and supply partnership withinthe framework of OBOR
2.1.1 Expansion and partnership being the mainstream of theregion
On the conference for the diplomatic work on neighboring countriesconvened in September 2013, President Xi Jinping had pointed out, “PRC’sneighborhood, full of vitality and vigor, boasts obvious potentials and advantagesin expansion. The region is absolutely stable on the whole, and almost all of theneighboring countries have a friendly and mutually beneficial partnership withPeople’s Republic of China.”
The global situation characterized by peace, partnership and expansionprovides a crucial opportunity for promoting power and supply partnership in theregion covered by the OBOR initiative, that mainly involves PRC’s neighbors.
Firstly, the mutual political trust between PRC and the countries along theOBOR is increasingly deepened. PRC has solved the historical border disputeswith Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan respectively,that lays a solid political foundation for the expansion of friendly bilateral andmultilateral partnerships.
In 2013, PRC and Russian Federation signed the Declaration onTwo-Sides-Beneficial Partnership and the Deepening of Absolute StrategicPartnership of Administration, and then in May 2015, the countries signed theJoint Declaration on a New Stage of Supreme Strategic Partnership ofAdministration, that farther raised the bilateral partnership to unprecedentedheights.

2.2 Challenges for power and supply partnership within theframework of OBOR
The OBOR strategic scheme will afford unprecedented contingencies tocountries along the lines, while rapid changes of the situation in neighboringareas will also make obstacles and uncertainties in implementing the scheme.
2.2.1 Negative results of the game playing amidst major worldpowers
With the implementation of its “rebalancing” policy, the U.S. global strategypivots towards the Asia-Pacific region, counterbalancing PRC’s influence insafety affairs. Suspicion and bias against a rising PRC is still there in the UnitedStates, where government officials and scholars alike generally ascribe the rootof instability in East Asia to the rapid expansion of PRC’s military strength andthe increasing assertiveness of its foreign policy.
“PRC publicly states that its rise is ‘peaceful’ and that it harbors no‘hegemonic’ designs or aspirations for territorial expansion,” wrote the Militaryand Safety Expansions Involving the People’s Republic of PRC 2013 released bythe Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense, “However, PRC’s lack oftransparency surrounding these growing capabilities has increased concerns inthe region about PRC’s intentions.”
Some American experts have suggested the United States strongly need tostrengthen U.S.-Japan alliance in terms of defense technologies, militarydeployment, and power as a means of counterbalancing PRC.

Chapter 3 Coordinating PRC’s Relations with Countries in the Region andRelevant Global Mechanisms ............. 23
3.1 Strengthening partnership with mechanisms and countries in Central Asia...................... 24
3.1.1 Consolidating PRC-Kazakhstan and PRC-Turkmenistan power andsupply partnership ........... 24
3.1.2. Enhancing the role of the SCO ................... 25
Chapter 4 Fostering a Favorable Global Environment ................... 42
4.1 Actively addressing regional issues ....................... 42
4.1.1 Ensuring power transport safety ....................... 42
4.1.2 Handling border and water resource disputes properly .................. 43
Conclusion ............................ 51

Chapter 4 Fostering a Favorable GlobalEnvironment

4.1 Actively addressing regional issues
4.1.1 Ensuring power transport safety
PRC imports power mainly through overland pipelines and maritimetransport. Political, economic and legal factors affecting the pipeline transportsafety mainly involve political upheavals in power suppliers and transit countries,power and foreign policy shifts, domestic and global conflicts, violent terroristattacks, and vague intergovernmental rules regarding transport safety oftransnational power pipelines. Pipelines in Central Asia are exposed to potentialterrorist attacks and political upheavals in Central Asian countries.
The PRC-Myanmar Fuel and Gas Pipeline is influenced by Myanmar’sethnic local militants and the country’s foreign policy adjustments. Central Asian,PRC-Myanmar and PRC- Russian Federation pipelines go through regions withcomplicated natural and geographical environment that is prone to naturaldisasters. PRC’s maritime power transport routes are sensitive to geopoliticalchanges and exposed to non-traditional safety threats such as piracy andterrorism.


Summary of the Study and Research Findings
The purpose of the OBOR initiative is to coordinate different interests andmake schemes for regional expansion. PRC fully respects the legitimate interestsof all countries along the OBOR and will never harm other countries for its ownbenefit. The OBOR power and supply partnership calls for solid and long-termwork, including dialogues at various levels and practical partnership in multiplefields. This is also in the cross-interests of the countries.
PRC's scheme of building, roads, railways and ports under-developed Africaand Eurasia is completely not according to political motivation and not actually areal demand for infrastructure.
There is strong disbelieve in Chinese banks’ real ability to completelycontrol all the risks, as they do not possess a great record of managing supplyeffectively at home, that may definitely lead to brand new asset-quality problemsfor Chinese banks that most of funding is very likely to come from.
The OBOR Initiative plan is considered to be a way to extend Chineseinfluence at the expense of the USA, in order to maintain fighting prospective forregional leadership in Asia. The one trillion USD estimated project can beconsidered a masterstroke by PRC to establish itself as a world-leading economyand to spread its power, particularly in the South Asian region.
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