The new economic era for the global industry to create an open environment, the continuous generation of new technology in this environment, making the courier companies business model, behavior patterns and management model is very different from the past. More variable in this kind of proactive, more flexible mode of the global industry, the courier companies competitors are no longer confined to the region within the same industry, but from the global size manufacturers, manufacturers of any same industry or different industries, are likely to become a strong competitor in a very short period of time. In this development trend, the courier companies how to develop a listing of IPO pricing, enhancing the overall efficiency of the courier company, quickly and effectively master the market of goods and enhance the close contact between the upstream and downstream firms, thereby improving the operating structure of the courier company, to promote industrial upgrading and enhance competitiveness to win a favorable position in the new economic development process, to become the most important topic of managers.
The companies makes its initial public offering (IPO) in primary market, there is no market price to compare. So, only a few people know its market price of securities and what price could worth to buy.
This research aims at 26 samples that had offered their IPO since sep/1/2009 to now for thirty months, initial public offering in The Chinese Stock Exchange . We examine the abnormal return of IPO, and the confirm abnormal return of courier companies is higher than Non-express logistics companies. Moreover, the paper includes some primary financial data on prospectus, and takes framework of Multiple Regression to find the reasonable pricing model of IPO. The comparison of the factor of effecting on underwriting pricing between courier companies and Non-express logistics companies.
The result as follows:1) The factor of effecting on underwriting pricing of Non-express logistics companies is just Earning Per Share、After-tax net income. 2) The factor of effect on underwriting pricing of courier companies is only Earning Per Share, but it is not so outstanding. So, whether non-financial factor effects the underwriting pricing of state-owner courier companies. But, I believe that the investors will focus on the profit earning capacity of the courier companies.
Keywords: courier companies, underwriting initial public offerings price, pricing model
目 录
第一章 绪论1
第二章 IPO常用的估值模型及对比分析22
2.3 超常收益衡量30
2.4 IPO定价模型32
第三章 实证研究34
3.1 股票初次上市收益34
3.2 超常收益计算36
3.3 快递公司IPO定价模型38
3.3.1 描述性统计及相关数分析38
3.3.2 定价模型回归分析39
第四章 结论及定义44
4.1 结论44
4.2 建议46
第一章 绪论
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