Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Globalization of English has brought about nativization or localization of English. VariousEnglish varieties with indigenous color consistently appear and play more and more importantrole in international communication. In addition to British English, American English, CanadianEnglish, New Zealand English, Australian English and Singapore English, many new Englishvarieties including China English have appeared in succession, which makes English moreperse and more flexible.
Today, under the trend of global economic integration and with the enhancement ofChina’s comprehensive power and the rapid development of Chinese economy, China English,as a new English variety with Chinese indigenous color, plays an increasingly important role ininternational communication. Many domestic linguistic scholars have studied China English,arguing about its objective existence, defining it, describing its linguistic functions andpredicting its future development from different perspectives.
The variation of China English at lexical level is most obvious and some linguists hold thatChina English only exists at lexical level. According to Li Wenzhong(1993), China Englishlexis can be pided into two categories. The lexis of first category includes the loanword(transliteration words), loanshift and loanblend, which are widely accepted by native speakersand have been collected into various dictionaries at home and abroad. The lexis of secondcategory includes all the loanword, loanshift and loanblend used in internationalcommunication but not collected into dictionaries yet. China English lexis in the current studyof the thesis includes all the lexis of the two categories. Lexis is the most sensitive part of alanguage and the best reflection of language variation. Most linguists have focused their studieson China English lexis, which is also the focus of the current study of the thesis.
1.2 Objectives of the Study
According to Haugen, the true environment of a language is the society that use it andlanguage only exists in the minds of its users and it only functions in relating these users to oneanother to culture and society. Hence language ecology can be interpreted as symbolic,sociocultural and cognitive ecology. In the language ecology of China English, the people whouse and transmit language are Chinese people or those with Chinese backgrounds. The societyin which English exists is Chinese society. Accordingly, there will be many new concepts andexpressions originating from the unique Chinese socioculture and the cognitive pattern peculiarto China.
This thesis intends to study the formation of China English lexis from the perspective ofecolinguistics and focuses on the following three questions:
(1) How do the concepts peculiar to China take the formation of transliteration, loanshiftand loanblend to enter normative English from symbolic ecology of language?
(2) Why does some specific category of concepts take the certain kind of lexical formationfrom sociocultural ecology of language?
(3) Is the formation of China English lexis rational from cognitive ecology of language?
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Previous Studies on Ecolinguistics
Since the thesis chooses the perspective of ecolinguistics, this part is first to offer theconcept of ecolinguistics and then to review the development process of ecolinguistics abroadand at home.
2.1.1 Previous Studies on Ecolinguistics Abroad
(1) The Concept of Ecolinguistics
According to Huang Guowen, ecolinguistics is a newly emerging interdiscipline, which isthe combination of linguistics and ecology and a newly developing linguistic branch. Themission of ecolinguistics is to reveal the interaction between language and ecology throughstudying the ecological factors of language and relationship between language and environment(Huang Guowen, 2016: 9).
Accordingly, the study of ecolinguistics is interdisciplinary study of the interactionbetween language and its external and internal environment. From the perspective of ecology,language is an integral part of the ecosystem, and the language system is a branch of theecosystem, which is similar to the ecosystem.
(2) The Emergence and Development of Ecolinguistics.Initial Stage of Ecolinguistics
Ecolinguistics is a newly developing frontier discipline. In 1972, at the center for AppliedLinguistics in Washington D.C. Einar Haugen gave the speech entitled “The ecology ofLanguage”, which marked the “proper beginning” of ecolinguistics. In the important speech,Haugen made an analogical metaphor between language environment and ecologicalenvironment. He spoke of the “interactions between any given language and its environment”which was compared to the ecological relations between certain species of animals and plants inand with their environment (Haugen, 1972: 325). Haugen also maintained that “language is apart of a larger environment that is physical (a language’s users only exists in Physicalenvironment), psychological (a language interacts with other languages in the minds ofbilingual and multilingual speakers), and sociological (a language interacts with the societwhich functions as communication medium)” (Haugen, 1972: 325). Thus, the research field ofecolinguistics ranges from anthropological linguistics, psycholinguistics to sociolinguistics.
2.2 Previous Studies on China English
The previous studies on China English both in theory and practice greatly enhance theinternational acceptability and intelligibility of China English. All the researches have formed atheoretical background for this paper
2.2.1 Previous Studies on China English at Home
(1) The Concept of China English
It is vital in the study to offer the definition of China English. However, it has not beeneasy to get a generally acceptable one.
The term, “China English” was firstly put forward by Ge Chuangui in 1982. Ge holds thatno matter whether it is before or after liberation, there are always something unique to China toexpress in writing or speaking in English. In this case, transliteration and loan translation can beused, such as Four Books(四书) , Five Classics(五经) , baihuawen(白话文) and people’scommune(人民公社). In Ge’s point of view, such expressions are not “Chinese English” or“Chinglish” but are “China English”, which are not difficult for native speakers to understandafter some explanations. (Ge Chuangui, 1982:2) Ge is mainly concerned with the vocabularyvacancy in translating things unique to China but does not offer a definition to China English.
From then on, many linguists in China have followed to take pains to define “ChinaEnglish” properly. Wang Rongpei is the first to define China English. According to Wang,“China English is an English variety with Chinese characteristics and has Standard English asits core, which is used by Chinese people in mainland China” (Wang Rongpei, 1991:3). Twoyears later, Li Wenzhong challenged Wang’s definition and pointed out that not only people inmainland used ‘China English’ and Standard English only existed in theory (Li Wenzhong,1993: 19). Li Wenzhong then defined China English as follows: “China English is an Englishvariety that has Normative English as its core, expresses the social and cultural things unique toChina, frees from Chinese interference or influence, enters the English language by means oftransliteration, loan translation, semantic regeneration and reflects Chinese features at theaspects of lexis, syntax and discourse” (Li Wenzhong, 1993: 19, cited in Hu Xiaoli, 2012). XieZhijun defined “China English” this way: “China English is an interference English Variety,that Chinese people use in intercultural communication and the interferences show in differentlanguage level, some of which are about language itself but some of which are about cultureand way of thinking; China English is based on normative English and its communicativeeffects are related to the English proficiency of the users” (Xie Zhijun, 1995: 8).
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework .................. 18
3.1 Haugen’sApproach....................18
3.1.1 Two Key Factors in Haugen’sApproach....................18
3.1.2 Biological Research Notion of Haugen’s Approach................19
Chapter 4 Analysis of the Formation of China English Lexis from the Perspective ofEcolinguistics ............ 25
4.1 Analysis of the Formation of China English Lexis in light of Symbolic Ecology ofLanguage....................25
4.1.1 Formation of Transliteration....................26
4.1.2 Formation of Loanshift .......................29
Chapter 5 Conclusion..................... 49
5.1 Major Findings....................49
5.2 Implications........................51
Chapter 4 Analysis of the Formation of China English Lexis fromthe Perspective of Ecolinguistics
4.1 Analysis of the Formation of China English Lexis in light of SymbolicEcology of Language
The theory that language exists in a symbolic ecology examines co-existence of languageor symbol systems in the brain of people within a given area, especially focusing on the processtaking place in the minds of speakers and the effect on the community and its culture. And thetheory of symbolic ecology of language is mainly based on the symbol theory of language.According to the symbol theory, the lexical system of a certain language is the reflection of theconceptual system of the speech community of the language, which is determined by theobjective environment and subjective situation of the speech community. Based on all thesetheories, this part intends to analyze the coexistence of Chinese and English in the mind ofChinese People or people with Chinese backgrounds and the specific formation process ofChina English lexis that takes place in their minds.
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
The major findings of the thesis are demonstrated as follows:
The two key factors of language ecology are the primary causes of English variation atlexical level in the process of nativization in China. As to the first factor, people who learn, useand transmit English are Chinese people or people with Chinese backgrounds and with Chinesecognitive pattern. As to the second key factor, the society that uses English is Chinese society indifferent historical periods in which there are many things and concepts unique to China.Accordingly, China English lexis occurs, which communicates the things and concepts uniqueto China through Chinese colored English expressions marked by Chinese cognitive pattern.
According to the theory that language exists in a symbolic ecology, the symbolic ecologyof China English refers to the coexistence of Chinese symbol system and English symbolsystem in the brains of speakers of China English. The symbol theory of language is thefoundation of symbolic ecology of language. China English lexis is the linguistic form ofconcepts unique to China. The analysis of formation of China English lexis from symbolicecology shows the rules of collocation of symbols, and the new meanings in variouscollocations, hence explaining how the concepts unique to China take the formation oftransliteration, loanshift and loanblend to enter English. The concepts unique to China take theformation of transliteration by directly borrowing the pronunciations and spellings of theChinese terms to express the concepts in Romanizations (mainly Chinese Pinyin). The lexistaking the formation of transliteration borrows the meanings of the corresponding Chineseterms. The concepts unique to China take the formation of loan translation by literal translatingeach word of the corresponding Chinese terms that express the Chinese specific concepts toEnglish. Loan translation translates not only the meaning but also the structure of the originalChinese text, which catches Chinese culture both morphologically and semantically. The wordstaking the formation of loan translation obtain the conceptual meaning of the correspondingChinese terms. The concepts unique to China take the formation of semantic shift by adding to,transforming, or manipulating the denotative sense of English words to express meaningsbeyond the original denotative referent.