Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
With the development of the Internet, online advertising has become a ubiquitous aspectof our lives. In modern society, the importance of online advertising is self-evident. Equallyapparent is the significance of the development of effective online advertising. It is nowessential that a company, if it is to complete in the digitized global marketplace and increaseits market share, establish a strong online presence. People also need online advertising inorder to navigate the profusion of online products and the glut of information that surroundsthese products. Businessmen also use the advantages of online advertising to quickly andwidely disseminate content with the intention of stimulating consumer desires and achievingsales. Economic growth and a widening middle-class in developing countries has lead to anincrease in disposable income, which has in turn increased the size of the market forelectronic products. In this process, the online language has also formed its owncharacteristics as it adapts to a growing consumer base. The field of online advertising willcontinue to grow in terms of significance, and is worthy of serious analysis.
Almost seventy years ago, David Ogilvy postulated, “Advertising is the salesmanship oflanguage”. By this, he meant that advertising plays a very important role in the tradingprocess, and it is an enabling feature of commerce. Ogilvy’s remark is just as pertinent todayas it was half a century ago. Observations such as Moore’s Law have demonstrated therapidity of technological advancement, with new technologies becoming outmoded andobsolete within two to three years. This fact is exemplified in the seemingly constantdevelopment of new generations of smart phone, with new models arriving on the marketbefore people have fully adapted to the previous iteration. With its low overheads comparedto traditional forms of advertising, the use of online advertising to retain customers hasbecome the main means of major brands to reduce investment costs and maximize impact. Itis therefore crucial that online advertising language for electronic products be optimallyeffective in terms of customer psychology. It comes as no surprise that electronic productmerchants are all devoted to the efficacious use of online advertising language. Within thefield of linguistics, online advertising language for electronic products has begun to attractsignificant attention. As the commercial and economic importance of online advertisingcontinues to grow, and its impact on society becomes more tangible, it is clear that scholarswill develop a wide variety of critical responses and analyses.
1.2 Research Purpose
The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the linguistic features of onlineadvertising language for electronic products and analyze the ways in which this language isadapted to consumers’ psychology, in order to stimulate consumption and sell products moreeffectively. T
he analysis uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.The data analysis uses SPSS in Chapter 4, and makes use of qualitative analysis toanalyze issues related to the aforementioned two questions.
In addition to answering the above two questions directly, this paper hopes to providesome inspiration and direction for future research, both practical and theoretical, into theburgeoning area of online advertising.
Various scholars have undertaken previous academic research in the areas of compliancetheory in translation, cross-cultural communication, and literature. This paper hopes to enrichthe theory of adaptation from the perspective of pragmatics by analyzing the use of onlineadverting language for electronic products, which will in turn lay the foundations forsubsequent research into this topic.
Considering advertising from a practical standpoint, there are two useful perspectives.On the one hand, the use of language is a continuous process of making choices. On the otherhand, advertising language belongs to a particular category of language use – it functionsprimarily as persuasive language. To put it concisely, the purpose of advertising language isto convey information that will open up potential customers to the possibility of taking aninterest in a product, and ultimately persuade customers to buy particular goods. Therefore,by analyzing language structure and contextual factors, this paper can enable advertisers tobetter understand the social, cultural and psychological context of their intended audience.This refined knowledge will enable the advertiser to make language choices that are carefullyadapted to the consumer’s mental world, social world and physical world, thereby achievingtheir ends in the most efficacious way.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Overview of Online Advertisement
As with many other specialized, field-specific languages, there is no single, overarchingway to define advertising language. For such a definition, we will look to Geis (1982), whosuccinctly pinpoints the key functions that underpin all of the particular uses of advertisinglanguage. According to Geis’ formulation, advertising language strives to persuade itsaudience to take a particular action, be it consuming a product, paying for a service, votingfor a certain political party, or any other category of action that is deemed optimal by theadvertiser.
Accroding to Ddfleur, M.L and Dennis, E.E (1996), advertisement is defined as “a formof controlled communication that attempt to persuade customers, though the use of a varietyof strategies and appeals, to use a particular product or service”. On the basis of AmericanMarketing Association put it in this way: Advertisement is usually a kind of information thatis not directed at a person and is directed at everyone in the public. Usually it is paid, spreadthrough various media, and persuading people to purchase products and services. So,obviously, the purpose of online advertisement is to increase customers’ purchases. In general,online advertisement can be defined as a type of business activity that spreads across allpotential customers through the media of the web in a variety of forms such as slogans, text,comic strips, etc. So from what I said above, there are two key differences between cyberadvertising and its more traditional counterparts. The first is that cyber advertising has thecapacity to reach larger numbers of people at a significantly lower cost. The second is thatonline advertisement is not necessarily (although, in practice, this isn’t always the case)limited in terms of the geographic distribution of its target audience. In theory, one piece ofonline advertisement can reach across continents and socio-economic pides inunprecedented ways. Modern advertising as a whole, but particularly those forms that areprevalent in online advertisement, draws upon a variety of different mediums in order toconvey its message.
2.2 Previous Studies
Previous studies have been carried out in various fields. We will now review theresearch in relevant fields in the hope that the research presented in this paper can build onprevious knowledge and shed light on areas that have been overlooked.
2.2.1 Previous Studies on Online Advertisement
As Zeff and Robbin (1999) have pointed out “the Web targeting and tracking capabilitieshave the potential to make it one of the most responsive media available to advisers”. In the21st century, the Internet has become the main medium for advertisers to reach out tocustomers. Data analytic and personalized advertisements based on browsing history andinterests make online advertising a more detailed and precise medium. This gives advertisersa wide range of language choices to use.
Pan (2002) uses the modern stylistics theory and the general stylistic analysis model tocarry out a comprehensive stylistic analysis of online advertising from the aspects of structure,language and communication, and language description, thus summarizing the generalstylistic features of online advertising.
Lv (2007) mainly analyzes the characteristics of online English advertising vocabularyfrom the perspective of word class and word formation. Luan (2012) put forward a 10-stepmodel of English recruitment advertisements on the internet, structured around the idealanguage walks, and conducted a detailed analysis of each language step as they relate to thelinguistic features of online English job advertising from the perspectives of vocabulary,syntax and writing skills. Under the framework of constructing pragmatic theories, Zhao(2012) tries to analyze the working mechanism behind the presuppositions that underpinonline advertising by reviewing the historical background and theoretical review of pragmaticpresupposition research, and explains the pre-set function of online advertising.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework............................... 9
3.1 The definition of Adaptation Theory...........................9
3.2 Three properties....................9
Chapter Four Research Methodology........................15
4.1 Research Questions...................................15
4.2 Data Collection and Analysis Methods............................ 15
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion................................ 17
5.1 The Application in Structural Objects of Adaptability.......................17
5.1.1 On the Lexicon Level........................17
5.1.2 On the Syntactic Level..............................23
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
5.1 The Application in Structural Objects of Adaptability
In process of choosing advertising language, the producers of advertisements willchoose various language structures, to ensure that their material is optimally persuasive.Verschueren (2000) demonstrates that linguistic choices for communication can occur atevery level within the linguistic structure.
5.1.1 On the Lexicon Level
A variety of pragmatic phenomena can occur at all structural levels, from the phoneticstructure to the discourse structure. Therefore, in the process of communication, the choicesand adjustments of linguistic structure may occur at all levels, including the lexical level,syntactic level, semantic level, rhetorical level, and discourse level. The author would analyzethe language from lexicon level first.
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings
This paper analyzes how the online advertising of electronic products conforms toconsumer psychology in two aspects: linguistic structure and contextual correlates. In orderto answer the questions mentioned in Section 1.2, this paper summarizes the followingresults:
Compared to functional words, content words are used more frequently. Nouns, verbsand adjectives occur with high frequency in the online advertising of electronic products. Ingeneral, nouns and adjectives can make language more vivid and lively. As for adjectives, theuse of the comparative and superlative forms is very extensive. When the adjectives appear,they almost always use either the superlative or the comparative forms.
In online advertisements of electronic products, imperatives and descriptive sentencesaccount for the highest proportion of sentence types. The commanding tone conveys apowerful message, and functions as a ‘call to action’, impelling the reader to go forward andmake a purchase. In addition to the brevity and succinctness helping to keep the reader’sattention, shorter sentences offer aesthetic and visual benefits; advertisements appear moreattractive, more artistic, and more informative when viewed by customers.
The linguistic features of online electronic product advertising are adapted from theperspective of structural objects; the online advertisements for electronic products areadapted from the aspect of contextual correlates. In the mental world, online advertisementsshorten the psychological distance between advertisers and customer in various ways. Theseinclude using the second-person pronoun and concisely stating the benefits of the product. Inthe social world, advertisements are adapted to consumer’s social and cultural backgrounds.This requires research into the values and priorities of different cultures, and different socialgroups within a culture. In the physical world, advertisements are adapted to time and space.One example of temporal and spatial adaptation that we considered was an emphasis on howa product can change a customer’s life.
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