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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202325846 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background
Many citizens of both Russia and China are interested in the investmentattractiveness of our countries. First and foremost it is worth noting that the presidents ofthe countries signed a memorandum on long-term cooperation in a variety of industries.In particular this applies to energy supplies. Russia annually increases the supply of gasto China, oil products and electricity.
These memoranda involve cooperation not only in the commercial plane, but otherways.
The first provides for the Russian participation in the construction of strategicallyimportant objects. At the moment, there is an agreement on the construction in theRepublic of Khakassia manganese plant.
An important component of bilateral economic ties, as well as a significant factorto stimulate socio-economic development of certain regions, is the inter-regional andcross-border cooperation between Russia and China. About 70 subjects of the RussianFederationis nowdirectlyinteract with theprovinces ofChina.Thelength oftheRussian-Chinese border has become a natural basis for this type of cooperation.
A foreign direct investment is a controlling ownership in a business enterprise inone country by an entity based in another country.
The origin of the investment does not impact the definition as an FDI: theinvestment maybe made either "inorganically" bybuyinga companyin the target countryor "organically" by expanding operations of an existing business in that country. Broadly,foreign direct investment includes "mergers and acquisitions, building new facilities,reinvestingprofits earned from overseas operations andintracompanyloans". Inanarrowsense, foreign direct investment refers just to building new facility, a lasting managementinterest (10 percent or more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economyother than that of the investor.

1.2 Objective and Significance of the study
1.2.1 Objective of the study
The participants of the Russian-Chinese economic relations between the Republicof Khakassia and China in recent years significantly expanded commercial operations inChina began to carry including our small and medium-sized businesses. They have noknowledge of the Chinese mentality, Chinese law, there is a serious lack of informationabout the support tools that can provide the state and business associations on both sidesof the border.
Regardless of the fact that theRepublicof Khakassiais tryingto activelyparticipatein all types of cooperation with China. Large enterprises, companies and holdings, as wellas medium and small enterprises fail.Thereare organizations thatmanaged toconsolidateprofitable deals with China, but as the statistics show, they are all short-term.
To expand mutual trade and investments, especially with the participation of smalland medium-sized businesses, it is important to inform Russian and Chineseentrepreneurs about available support tools, replicate successful practices, study thementality and legislation of neighbors (and for this, in particular, prepare specialists inChinese law) , Deepen the interbank cooperation of both countries. With a significantincrease in the volume of trade turnover between the Russian Federation and the PRC,unpleasant surprises such as restrictions on withdrawals from bank accounts are unlikelyto be possible.
It is worth notingthat theinterest of Chinese entrepreneurs in Khakassia is justified.Our republic has quite large investment projects, in which it is profitable to invest. Forbusinessmen in China, the price of electricity has become an amazing discovery - inKhakassia it is twice cheaper than in China. Quite a warm climate and weather conditionsof the republic liked entrepreneurs who are engaged in the vegetable business at a seriouslevel.

Chapter 2 The Current Economic Conditions andSituations Cooperation

2.1 The current situations cooperation between the Russia andChina
The relationship between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic ofChina began to take shape many years ago, but in recent years theyhave become strongerand have begun to develop actively. In trade and economic relations between the twocountries there is an upsurge, manifested in the expansion of investment cooperation, theintensification of interregional and cross-border ties, as well as the increased interest ofRussian and Chinese business circles towards mutual cooperation. At the present stage,Russian-Chinese cooperation includes various areas of interaction, actively developingcontacts between the two states, international cooperation in such organizations as theUN, SCO, BRICS.Beijing is Russia's most important strategic partner, the connectionwith which will help to successfully integrate into the integration processes in the APR,and also contribute to the multilateral development of Russia's foreign policy. After theevents in Ukraine in 2014, namely the change of government, when the Western powersbegan to take measures to isolate Moscow, Russia announced its "turn to the East." Buteven a few years before that, Russia's turn to China was obvious. In terms of indicatorsin 2014, the volume of direct Chinese investment in Russia grew by about 2 timescompared to 2013 and amounted to 8380 million dollars (Table 2-1). These indicators putChina in second place among the largest investors in Russia.In addition to investingin Russia, China has also become the second in terms of external financing, providingloans to Russia for $ 13.6 billion.


2.2 The current economic conditions in the Republic of Khakassia
The Republic of Khakassia is part of the industrialized subjects of the SiberianFederal District (SFO). Its share in the production of the gross regional product of theRussian Federation and the SFD is 0.21% and 2.3%, respectively.
In the structure of the gross regional product (GRP) of the republic in 2014, theshare of types of economic activity in which production is carried out was 56.1%,including extraction of minerals - 15.9%, processing industries - 11.9%, productionAnddistribution of electricity, gas and water - 15.2%, agriculture - 6.1%. The share ofactivities in which services are provided amounted to 43.9%, including transport andcommunications - 9.1%, wholesale and retail trade - 10.8%.Thus, priority sectors forthe development of the territory of the future agglomeration, the so-called "points ofgrowth" of the economy, are mining, processing industries, in particular the productionof building materials and transport.


Chapter 3 Empirical research Result and analysis ....................25
3.1Asurvey of businessmen in Qualtrics system ......... 25
3.2Analysis of the results...................... 30
Chapter 4 Discussions and Recommendations ..................41
4.1 SurveyAnalysis and Discussions..................... 41
4.2 Recommendations..................... 42

Chapter 4 Discussions and Recommendations

4.1 SurveyAnalysis and Discussions
As previously mentioned at the beginning of 2015, 53 medium-sized enterprises,468 small enterprises, 3,212 microenterprises and 21818 inpidual entrepreneurs operatein the Republic of Khakassia. A total of 46.8 thousand people are engaged in small andmedium-sized businesses (18.6% of the total number employed in the economy),including 25.0 thousand people in small and medium-sized enterprises. From theinterview with the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Serge Adamyan, itcan be concluded that the Republic of Khakassia is aimed at raising the attractiveness atthe world level, as socio-economic projects and business are developing.[Appendix 2]Since 2017, the republic receives the status of a territory for advanced development withprovision of appropriate tax benefits to the business . After conducting a comparativestudy with Khakass and Chinese businessmen, it is revealed that both sides are ready forcooperation. And there are all grounds for this, since at the present time in the Republicthere are many meetings and events for training and explaining to the Khakassbusinessmen about profitable and profitable transactions with Chinese partners. In China,there is a slightly different picture, since China has a very high competitiveness,businessmen are already adapted to the competitive environment. That is, the strongest ofthe strongest enter the foreign market, judging by the latest data to the Chinese economyand investing in Russia, this is going well for them.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the development of cooperation betweenKhakassia and China. The results were obtained by analyzing the available literature andinformation on the cooperation of the Republic of Khakassia and China as a whole.Interviewed the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic ofKhakassia, as well as surveys of Chinese and Russian companies. As a result of theresearch, some key points were highlighted to improve the current situation in the sphereof international trade between the two Republics of Khakassia and China. After weanalyzed the collected information, we have the following results:
ConclusionThe purpose of this study was to analyze the development of cooperation betweenKhakassia and China. The results were obtained by analyzing the available literature andinformation on the cooperation of the Republic of Khakassia and China as a whole.Interviewed the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic ofKhakassia, as well as surveys of Chinese and Russian companies. As a result of theresearch, some key points were highlighted to improve the current situation in the sphereof international trade between the two Republics of Khakassia and China. After weanalyzed the collected information, we have the following results:
2) On the question of studying the respondent mentality of a business partner ofChina (Russia). The Russian businessmen answered 1) yes; 73% 2) no, 12% 3) do notknow; 15%. Chinese businessmen 1) yes; 81% 2) no; 7% 3) do not know; 12%. Thismeansthatmoststudentsareinterestedinlearningthementalityofthecountrywith whichthey want to cooperate. Respondents who answered "no" or "do not know" either do notshow desire, or work in the country in which they live.
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