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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202323014 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
The school where the author does the research is a rural junior high school in Dalian.It is located at the junction of urban and rural areas. The students there say that they hate tolearn English. When they are in the primary school, they don't listen to the teacher inEnglish classes. The exam can only be based on their own luck. Moreover, the students’preference is more serious, especially for boys: they can get 90 points in the math test, butthey only get 10 points or more in the English test. The author found that some childrenwith poor English proficiency were not stupid, mainly because they lack interest inlearning English. In fact, interest is the best teacher. For rural English teachers, improvingtheir English scores is indeed a problem. Teachers often do a lot of things, but studentshave little effect. This fact cannot be changed, so English teachers should start fromthemselves, find out their own problems, change the old teaching methods and try theirbest to improve students’ interest in learning English. The New English CurriculumStandards clearly states that “teachers should try to combine the students’ real life intoclassroom teaching and create communicative activities to enhance students’ interest inlearning and enable them to actively participate in language practice activities.” Englishteachers should help students create a language environment, let them learn in theclassroom, create interesting social activities, and let students actively participate in theteaching of English.

1.2 Research Significance
English vocabulary teaching plays an extremely important role in English teaching.The vocabulary of students directly affects the development of their listening, speaking,reading and writing skills. However, the problem of students is that the vocabulary is notmuch. They cannot remember words. There are two reasons for this phenomenon: on onehand, the traditional teaching methods used by English teachers for a long time leadstudents to lack the mastery of the words in practical use, and can only memorize wordsthrough rote memorization; on the other hand, under this mode of teaching, students areeasily to lose interest and confidence in vocabulary learning. Non-intellectual factors suchas interest, attention, and psychological factors are important in language learning, andsituational teaching can stimulate these factors. Many studies have found that high schoolstudents who lack interest and confidence in English vocabulary learning rarely achievegood grades in English tests.
Therefore, from the perspective of teachers, this study can help junior high schoolEnglish teachers to better understand the situational teaching method so that teachers cancreate situational teaching method that are consistent with the students’ actual situation.Teachers need to find ways to create vivid, interesting, reasonable and practical situationalteaching method that enable students to use the vocabulary they learn to produce effectiveoutput (heard). This not only enhances the teacher’ s education and teaching ability andbusiness ability, but also makes the teacher understand what is the teaching and learning,and also paves the way for future teaching.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Concept Definition
As a method, situational teaching can be applied to English teaching. It can promotestudents to learn more effectively, cultivate and improve students’ interest and ability tolearn English vocabulary, improve teachers’ teaching strategies, and have strongpracticality and guidance. . This chapter introduces the definition of the situationalteaching method, focusing on the theoretical basis of the situational teaching method andthe research on the situational teaching method at home and abroad.
2.1.1 Definition of Situational Teaching Method
Experts and scholars have different perspectives on the definition of situationalteaching method. Taking the etymology as the starting point, the interpretation of the scenein the Modern Chinese Dictionary is as follows: “The situation is also a scene, which is aspecific indication of the scene, situation and situation in a specific occasion. Withpsychology as the starting point, the scene can be directly stimulated.
Zhang Jianzhong (1999:31) pointed out: “The different environments that can affect aperson’s linguistic knowledge and skills and influence their ability to listen, speak, read,and write are situational contexts. The content is pided into the following two points:learning the social language environment in which the person is located and his or her ownpersonality characteristics; in other words, the use of language must match the surroundingenvironment, and the learner clearly expresses his thoughts in the language environment inwhich he is located. It is also one of the goals of learning English.”
From the above definition, the author believes that the teaching situational is tocombine the actual situation of the students, according to the teaching objectives, vividlycreate scenes or activities that are close to the students’ actual life, meet the interests ofstudents, and improve the enthusiasm and efficiency of students.

2.2 Theoretical Basis
The method of situational teaching contains some theoretical foundations of researchresults, language input and language output hypothesis theory, situational teaching theory,etc. This chapter will briefly explain these basic concepts and analysis.
2.2.1 Language Input and Output Hypothesis Theory
In the 1970s, Krashen proposed a theory for learning a second language. This theoryis mainly about the study of adults’ ways of learning language in an environment wherethey are not native speakers. It is based on natural language communication and acquirescommunicative experience with the help of relevant activities, so that students acquirelanguage knowledge in an unconscious state. He proposed the theory of creativeconstruction in 1982, and subsequently developed a comprehensive theory of learning asecond language, which includes five hypotheses: language acquisition—learninghypothesis, natural order hypothesis, monitoring hypothesis, input hypothesis, andemotional filtering hypothesis.
The Input Hypothesis is the core of Krashen’ s (1985) second language acquisitiontheory, which explains how learners acquire a second language. The core of the languageinput hypothesis is that the language accepted by the learner must be: (1) comprehensibleinput: (2) the input contains a component (i+1) that is slightly above the known languagelevel. Where ‘i’ denotes the second language level of the language learner, and ‘1’ denoteslanguage knowledge that is slightly higher than the current level of the language learner.Krashen (1985) argues that “language learners only have access to ‘understandablelanguage input’, is a second language input that is slightly above their current languageskill level, and he can focus on meaning or Acquisition of information, not justunderstanding of form, can be learned.” Krashen (1985) argues: “The ideal language inputshould have the following four characteristics: comprehensibility, both interesting andrelevant, non-grammatical programming. And there is enough input.” Thus, the ideallanguage input is to create an environment where the input language can be understood. Tohave a real and natural environment, students must be interested in it. The way thelanguage is entered should be closely related to the psychology of the student during thelearning session. In the actual teaching of English, if the teacher can use the situationalteaching method, the learning environment created will be more realistic. When studentsabsorb the language input that can be understood, they can learn in the subconscious andmake it easier to consolidate the knowledge.

Chapter Four Analysis of Experimental Results

4.1 Comparison of Pre-test Results
In order to test whether the students' English proficiency is similar, the author regardsthe Dalian English test in June 2018 as the pre-test. The author compiled the data of thetwo test results of the two classes (control class and experimental class), and did therelevant software analysis with SPSS22.0. The purpose was to test whether the level of thetwo classes before the experiment was equivalent, so that two students in the class can bethe subject of the experiment.

The results in Table 4.1 show that the average scores of the experimental and controlclasses before the start of the experiment were 52.9000 and 52.9750 respectively. Theoverall English level of the students in the two classes was equivalent, and thecorresponding changes were generally the same. From the statistical data of theindependent sample t-test, it can be seen that the significance of the homogeneity test ofvariance is 0.733, greater than 0.05, so t=0.019, the degree of freedom is 78, p=0.985>0.05,95% of the confidence In terms of interval, the upper and lower areas are basically thesame, and the error value is less than 1%, so there is no significant difference between theexperimental class and the control class in the pre-test. That is, the English level of the twoclasses is equivalent, which is in line with the basic requirements of this experiment. In theexperiment, to avoid the influence of the teacher on the experimental results, the Englishcourses of the two classes are all performed by myself. Therefore, if there are differencesor significant differences between the results of the two classes at the end of theexperiment, we can say that the difference is partly because Teacher's difference inclassroom teaching methods in two classes

Chapter Five Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Research Findings
The author applies the situational teaching method to the process of Englishvocabulary teaching in the second grade of junior high school. The experiment lasted for17 weeks. Based on the results of the experiment, the author analyzed and discussed thetwo research questions and reached the following conclusions:
(1) Situational teaching method can promote students’ understanding of Englishvocabulary and improve their interest in learning
Compared with the traditional vocabulary teaching method, the situational teachingmethod has activated the classroom atmosphere by creating imaginative scenes in theclassroom teaching. Moreover, the teacher created a situation that is in line with thestudents’ reality, fully mobilizing the students’ various sensory and emotional experiences,allowing the students to actively participate in the classroom learning as much as possible,so that they can understand the importance of English vocabulary in actual interaction andpromote students to have a shift in the understanding of English vocabulary. Thesituational teaching method can highlight the subjectivity of students. In role-playing, suchas analog phone, shopping, and inquiry, students can play many roles and use variouswords to master the usage of words in practice. The new curriculum standards requireteachers to provide more opportunities for students to actively learn and communicate witheach other. Therefore, teachers should provide opportunities for students to speak Englishto stimulate students’ interest in learning vocabulary. In order to provide students with asuitable language learning environment, teachers should create as many real learningsituational teaching method as possible for students. Using situational methods can givestudents more opportunities to apply English. In addition, learning interest is one of themost important factors in learning. There is a saying that “interest is the best teacher.” Inclassroom teaching, improving students’ interest is a prerequisite for successful teaching. Itenables learners to concentrate on learning and to learn with enthusiasm. The role ofteaching situational teaching method in stimulating student interest cannot be ignored.
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