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Chapter one Literature ReviewAutonomous

Learninghome and abroad. In thecaught a lot of scholars' attention and interests at30 years. An increasing number of distinguishedscholars and researchers have studied autonomous learning from perspective of social,psychology, philosophy, politic and pedagogy. Everyone has its own understandingtowards the same term.In this chapter, the author gives a brief literature review of the autonomous learning at homeand abroad, and a general description of the requirement of the newly-issued Senior High SchoolEnglish curriculum standards. It is generally accepted that autonomous Learning should beintegrated into English learning for senior high school students for the promotion of Englishlearning efficiency.

1.1 A survey of autonomous Learning studies abroad

The idea of autonomous learning can be traced back to the 1950s in the fields ofsocial, science, psychology, politics. And the concept of autonomy first appeared inthe field of language learning through the Council of Europe's Modern LanguageProject in 1971.Yves Chalon is regarded as the father of autonomy in languagelearning. Then came Holec,who is well -known in the field of autonomous learning.In his report, he is the first scholar who defined autonomy as the ability to take chargeof one's learning. This definition laid a solid foundation for the development ofautonomous learning study.

After Holec, an increasing number of researchers continue to make an deepexploration in this field. Some of them pay much attention to the definition fromsocial, political and philosophical perspectives. The outstanding representativesinclude:Riley and Zoppis 198_5;Graks and Grundy 1988, Little and Singleton 1989;Dickenson in 1987, Littlewood and Nunan 1997. Some of them focus on the practicalutilization of the term in different contexts.

Since 1980s,we have seen a variety of terms which are closely related withautonomy, such as self-regulated learning, self-study, self-directed,self-managedlearning, self-assessment learning, self-planned learning, active learning andautonomous learning.

From 1960s, some of western educators began to promote learner autonomy asone of the main objectives of the educational reform. From 1970, they started theirexploration on autonomy in English Learning. A great proportion of the researchesconcentrate on its definition as well as its theoretical foundation, strategy training,curriculum development, and the methods to foster autonomy.

First we should start with Holec's definition as his definition is considered to bethe earliest and the most influential one. He defines autonomous Learning as "theability to take charge of one's own Learning". According to his understandingautonomy is not an action but an inborn capacity to manage one's own Learning. Hefurther elaborates the term as follows.

1)Identifying the objectives

2) Defining the contents and maintaining the progressions

3)Selecting methods and techniques to be used

4) Evaluating the acquired knowledge

It can be easily seen that Holec defines autonomy throughout the whole learningprocess, from objectives, material, methods, procedure to evaluation and describesautonomy in a moving manner. A望}alifie旦autonomous Learner should have thecapacity to take charge of the whole process independently.

It offers us much insight as how to be an autonomous learner and what procedurelearners performs. However, it is clear that Holce didn't take the following factorsinto consideration, learners' motivation, attitudes, learning at spheres and auditions,which are considered to be vital elements for autonomous learning. It implies that hisdefinition neglects the psychological factors which should be involved in thedevelopment of autonomy.

  Little holds that "autonomous learning is not extensively or even primarily amatter of how learning is organized." "Actually autonomy in a capacity-for



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Abstract 7-9

摘要 10-12

Introduction 12-14

Chapter one Literature Review 14-20

1.1 A survey of autonomous Learning studies abroad 14-17

1.2 A survey of autonomous learning studies at home 17-18

1.3 The requirements of newly-issued Senior High School Curriculum 18-20

Chapter Two Theoretical Framework 20-33

2.1 Theoretical background 20

2.2 Learner autonomy and autonomous learning 20

2.3 Related terminology 20-21

2.4 Characteristics of autonomous learners 21-22

2.5 Necessity and importance of fostering learner autonomy 22-23

2.6 Theoretical grounds of learner autonomy 23-27

2.6.1. Humanism 23-25

2.6.2 A perspective from constructivism 25-27

2.7 Factors Affecting Senior High School Students’ Autonomous learning 27-33

Chapter Three Methodology 33-37


Chapter Four Results and Discussion 37-55

4.1 37-49

4.1.1 Analysis of the understanding of autonomous learning 37-38

4.1.2 Analysis of the students’ learning interest and motivation 38-40

4.1.3 Analysis of the results regarding students’ self- management 40-41

4.1.4 Analysis of the results regarding learning process 41-42

4.1.5 Analysis of the results regarding teachers’ help 42-44

4.1.6 Analysis of the results regarding students’ mutual help 44-45

4.1.7 Analysis of the students’ learning strategies 45-46

4.1.8 Analysis of the items regarding extra-curricular learning resources 46-47

4.1.9 Analysis of the students’ self-evaluation and adjustments 47-49

4.2 Discussion of the findings in research Question 1 49-50

4.3 Discussion of the findings in research questions 50-51

4.4 Discussion of the findings in research question 3 51

4.5 Discussions on the interview question 51-55

Chapter Five Approaches to fostering autonomy in learning foreign language 55-65


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