Community correction is a legal execution of the way, the criminals assigned to the community to serve the sentence, on the one hand to face the problem of social relations of criminals recovery, on the other hand with the community's public safety is closely related to this practice The actual access to considerable correction effect, the need for government, village (community), organizations at all levels and the community's concerted efforts to hope to achieve. This paper wants to connect Professor Ostrom's multi-center governance theory with community practice in a multidimensional way to analyze the community correction problem from the perspective of multi-center governance, and has its inherent theoretical value.
The research contents of this paper are as follows:. The first part introduces the background and significance of this research, the relevant research situation at home and abroad, the research contents and methods of this paper, and the second part of the innovation of this research, the theory of community correction The basic content of this part includes: the basic introduction of community correction, the value of community correction, the definition of multi-center governance, the interpretation of multi-center governance of community correction, the necessity and feasibility of multi-center governance of community correction. The third part, the current situation and problems of community correction in Songyang county. Taking Songyang County as an example, the status quo and problems of community correction were analyzed. The fourth part, the practice of community correction management at home and abroad experience. This part chooses the experience of American, Japanese, British, Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai as the research object, and analyzes the experience of community correction management model, so as to provide reference for the improvement of community correction management model in our country. The fifth part is based on the multi-center governance of Songyang County community correction management model improvement proposal. From the government, community and social three levels, put forward Songyang County community correction management model of the perfect proposal. Part VI, Conclusion.
The author believes that the practical research value of this topic is to study the actual community correction work in Songyang County as a concrete object of study, through the perspective of multi-center governance theory to study the practice of community correction or potential deficiencies, to study its causes and explore Its solutions, and according to the rules of community correction system to improve it, to enhance the community environment and call on social forces to participate in the practice of improvement, to promote the concept of punishment and other multi-angle study of community correction of all the corresponding problems corresponding to the program, For the improvement of community correction work system, improve the level of work and performance have a considerable practical value.
Keywords: community correction; government; society; community
第1章 绪论 9
1.1研究背景和意义 9
1.1.1研究背景 9
1.1.2研究价值 9
1.2国内外研究情况 10
1.2.1多中心理论的相关研究情况 10
1.2.2社区矫正的研究现状 12
1.2.3研究现状评述 14
1.3研究途径和内容 14
1.3.1研究途径 14
1.3.2研究内容 15
1.4研究创新点 15
第2章 多中心治理理论中社区矫正的理论基础 16
2.1社区矫正基本概论 17
2.1.1社区矫正的界定 17
2.1.2社区矫正的管理主体 17
2.1.3社区矫正的本质与特征 18
2.2社区矫正的价值 18
2.2.1社区矫正的社会价值 19
2.2.2社区矫正的法律价值 19
2.2.3社区矫正的经济价值 19
2.2.4社区矫正的公共管理价值 20
2.3多中心治理 20
2.3.1多中心治理的界定 20
2.3.2多中心治理理论与社区矫正的关联 21
2.5社区矫正的多中心治理的必要性和可行性 23
2.5.1社区矫正的多中心治理的必要性 23
2.5.2社区矫正的多中心治理的可行性 24
第3章 松阳县社区矫正的现状及问题研究 25
3.1松阳县社区矫正的现状 26
3.1.1松阳县社区矫正的基本情况 26
3.1.2松阳县社区矫正颇具效果 26
3.2松阳县社区矫正存在的问题 27
3.2.1政府层面存在的问题 27
3.2.2社区层面存在的问题 29
3.2.3社会层面存在的问题 30
第4章 社区矫正管理模式的国内外经验借鉴 31
4.1国外社区矫正管理模式的经验 32
4.1.1美国 32
4.1.2日本 33
4.1.3英国 33
4.2国内社区矫正管理模式的经验 34
4.2.1香港 34
4.2.2北京 34
4.2.3上海 35
4.3国内外社区矫正管理模式的借鉴 35
第5章 基于多中心治理的松阳县社区矫正管理模式的完善建议 37
5.1基于政府的社区矫正管理模式的完善 38
5.2基于社区的社区矫正管理模式的完善 39
5.3基于社会的社区矫正管理模式的完善 40
第6章 结论 41
参考文献 42
致谢 45
个人简历、在学期间发表的学术论文与研究成果 46
第1章 绪论
伴随目前社会各方各面的日新月异,不单单社会结构、社会功能相对越来越完善且内容极大地丰富,人类的法律意识以及参政意识也不断地提升,以往的监禁刑中所存在的缺漏日益暴露,人们对人权、民主以及公共安全的需求也是有了更高的追求,不再是交由政府全权控制,广泛地社会力量介入也给时下的刑罚发展提出的更高的要求。社区矫正的英文通译为Community Corrections,部分国家也将其称作“社区矫治”,其是区别于一般监禁矫正的新型刑罚处理途径,即把符合规定条件的罪犯都分配至社区中服刑而不再是在监狱中进行。
基于启蒙思想家以及刑事近代学的相关理论基础上,社区矫正开始萌生于二十世纪七十年代末的美国、英国等欧美地区,而如今社区矫已经发展成为了英美等西方发达国家所普遍采用的刑罚操作方案。区别于发达国家,国内的社区矫正理论起步时间较晚且发展时间较短,理论工作的深度以及全面性都相对有所欠缺。自从 2003 年发布在北京、上海、江苏、山东等六个省市成立第一批社区矫正试点直到 2015 年二月,我国累加起来一共吸收了社区服刑对象 232.2 万人次,解除了 158.2 万多人次,而现有的社区服刑人员有 74 万多人,二次犯罪率在0.2%左右。
第6章 结论
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