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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202322099 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
As one of the important ways of information dissemination, news discoursescarry strong ideological tendency and political motivation. It is a typical persuasivefunctional discourse, which aims to show the attitudes and stances of newspapers ormedia, so as to guide public opinion and affect the public. To improve the readabilityand comprehension of news, vivid and popular metaphors are widely used.
As a new method of critical discourse analysis, Critical Metaphor Analysis wasproposed by Charteris-Black in 2004, aiming at comprehensively applying theresearch methods of critical discourse analysis, corpus analysis, pragmatics andcognitive linguistics to analyze metaphors. It combines language analysis, cognitiveunderstanding and social knowledge to explain the ideology and motivation ofchoosing metaphors in discourses.
The 19thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China is a session ofgreat importance taking place during the decisive stage in building a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects, numerous domestic and foreign medias undertookreports. Through consulting materials, it is found that there are only a few studies oncomparative analysis of conceptual metaphors in news discourses. Therefore, thisthesis will apply the method of Critical Metaphor Analysis to make a comparativeanalysis of the similarities and differences of dominant conceptual metaphors inChinese and American news discourses on the issue of the 19thCPC NationalCongress and the reasons leading to the similarities and differences, and will analyzethe different functions of main conceptual metaphors in news discourses of ChinaDaily and Cable News Network (CNN).

1.2 Purposes of the Study
News discourse, an important method of disseminating information. It carriesstrong ideological tendency and political motivations. In order to better spread the countries’ voice, easy-to-understand conceptual metaphors are widely made use of.This thesis intends to make a comparative analysis of the conceptual metaphors usedin China Daily and CNN. Therefore, purposes of this study are shown below:
First of all, the conceptual metaphors used in both Chinese and American newsdiscourses on the 19th CPC National Congress will be found out, and the thesis willclassify them according to the Conceptual Metaphor Theory and their times andfrequency will be measured. The top 5 conceptual metaphors are taken as the mainresearch objects.
Then, the main conceptual metaphors will be analyzed. Based on the figures andCritical Metaphor Analysis, the thesis will find out their similarities and differences,and make an analysis of the reasons which lead to the similarities and differences, andreveal the underlying ideology and social and cultural foundation;
Lastly, the thesis will analyze the different functions of conceptual metaphors inChinese and American news discourses on the 19th CPC National Congress.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Review of Conceptual Metaphor Study
Metaphor is a common linguistic phenomenon, which is generally regarded as arhetorical device in traditional studies. But since the 1970s, the research focus ofmetaphor has gradually shifted to language cognition. In Metaphors We Live By,written by Johnson and Lakoff, conceptual metaphor was proposed, which opened upa new perspective of metaphor study.
2.1.1 Conceptual Metaphor Study at Abroad
For thousands of years in the west, people believed in Aristotle's opinion thatmetaphor was "a kind of rhetorical language device". Until the 1930s, peoplechallenged him, so Richard was the earliest one to put forward the Interaction Theorywhich was perfected by Black. The Aristotle and his successors’ theory was calledSubstitution Theory. Interaction Theory turns metaphor study from pure languageform to conceptual image.
In 1979, Michael Reddy proposed "Conduit Metaphor" in Conduit Metaphor: ACase Study of Frame Conflict in Language, which attaches importance to theconnection and correlation between categories, but it believed that words andsentences are meaningful and independent of context. This theory made up for thedeficiency of the traditional metaphor theory which holds that all the concepts of onelanguage were original and not metaphorical, but Reddy believed that metaphor wasbasically conceptual and conventional.
In 1980, Lakoff and Johnson first proposed conceptual metaphor in their bookMetaphors We Live by. They believed that the conceptual system of human beingswas based on metaphor, and the nature of metaphor was to realize and tasted thecurrent things through another thing. Conceptual metaphor studies metaphor from theperspective of cognition, which is quite different from metaphor as figure of speech.The study of metaphor turns from the form of language variation to the cognitive lawof human beings, and constructs a new conceptual world.

2.2 Review of Critical Metaphor Analysis
This study intends to use the method of Critical Metaphor Analysis to make acomparative analysis of main conceptual metaphors in Chinese and American newsdiscourses related to the 19th CPC National Congress. As a new method of criticaldiscourse analysis, it mainly focuses on the textual functions of metaphors instimulating emotions and influencing judgments.
2.2.1 Overseas Studies of Critical Metaphor Analysis
Charteris-Black, in 2004, proposed Conceptual Metaphor Analysis for the firsttime. He utilized corpus method, selected discourses on politics, news and religion toform a special corpus and conducted detailed researches. He pointed out thatmetaphors were helpful to reveal the potential intentions of users, and had a directimpact on people's understanding by mining or combining with the specific contextsof language resources; Koller (2005) published the article "Critical DiscourseAnalysis and Social Cognition: Evidence from Business Media Discourse", whichconnected cognitive theory with Critical Discourse Analysis and described therelationship between metaphors and sociality of words in detail. Goatly (2007)analyzed power, human and biological metaphors and its implied ideology in Washingthe Brain: Metaphor and Hidden Ideology. Carver and Pikalo (2008) published anessay collection Political Language and Metaphor: Interpreting and Changing theWorld, which interpreted the important role of metaphors in revealing and changingthe world. Forceville and Urios-Aparisi (2009) studied the construction ofmetaphorical meaning of multimodal discourses in Multimodal Metaphor, anddiscussed the types and working mechanism of meaning construction.
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation..............................11
3.1 Conceptual Metaphor Theory...................................11
3.1.1 Lakoff’s Classification of Conceptual Metaphor.................................. 11 Structural Metaphors................................ 11 Orientational Metaphors.......................................12
Chapter Four Research Methodology............................ 22
4.1 Research Questions................................... 22
4.2 Data Collection.................................22
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Findings...........................25
5.1 Data Analysis..................................................26
5.1.1 Dominant Conceptual Metaphors in China Daily.................................26 Construction metaphors............................... 29

Chapter Five Data Analysis and Findings

5.1 Data Analysis
It can be seen from the above table 5.1 that journey metaphor and war metaphorare two common conceptual metaphors. Circle metaphor and color metaphor areunique to Chinese corpus, while religion metaphor is unique to American corpus.
5.1.1 Dominant Conceptual Metaphors in China Daily
From the 25 news discourses of China Daily, numerous metaphors exist. Butconstruction metaphors, journey metaphors, war metaphors, core metaphors andfamily metaphors are dominant ones. In this part, they will be respectively analyzed.The data is shown in table 5.2.


Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings of the Study
The main findings of the paper are shown as follows:
Firstly, Conceptual metaphors are widely used in China Daily and CNN, andmost of its applications are focused on issues which closely related to the 19th CPCNational Congress, especially on China's economic and political development. Newsdiscourses selected from the English version of China Daily, there are five mainconceptual metaphors that rank top 5: construction metaphor, journey metaphor, warmetaphor, circle metaphor and family metaphor. And in the selected CNN newscorpus, the main conceptual metaphors rank top 5 are war metaphor, human metaphor,journey metaphor, religion metaphor and container metaphor.
Secondly, there are similarities in the application of conceptual metaphors inChinese and American news discourses. Among them, there are 8 similar conceptualmetaphors, such as journey metaphors, war metaphors and human metaphors, whichindicate that conceptual metaphor is universal in culture, the employment of similarconceptual metaphors implies that people share the similar embodied experience, theyhave similar comprehension to the situation;
Thirdly, the employment of conceptual metaphors is also different. Commonconceptual metaphors vary in frequency and emphasis. Meanwhile, both Chinese andAmerican news discourses have their own unique metaphors. For example, ChinaDaily has its own core metaphors and color metaphors, while CNN has religionmetaphors. The differences between Chinese and American cultures and differentpolitical stances, also the different ideologies the Chinese and American governmentsmaintain can cause the different adoption of conceptual metaphors. Through analysis,it can be found that the use of conceptual metaphors in news discourses caneffectively help shape national images and convey different ideologies and attitudes.China Daily speaks highly of China’s development and has great confidence for thefuture, it shapes a positive image; while CNN holds a complicated attitude towards theconvening of the 19th CPC National Congress, and it is anxious about thedevelopment of China which is a threat to its international status, China will be thecenter of the world, it shapes China as an threatening image which is opposite to thepeaceful image.
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