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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202325749 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background and significance.
Over the last decade, modern information, communication and logisticstechnologies has reached a huge level of development and become an integralpart of human life, along with this, globalization of business has long been anessential factor for improving the company's competitiveness. It requires moreinformation about supply and demand conditions in foreign markets, as well asthe behavior of competitors in these markets. Changing patterns of consumerbehavior, way of life, and the credibility of information sources in differentcountries indicates a need for a new market research in a global environment.
Companies need to expand their activities not only into such developedmarkets as Europe and the United States, but also into the politically uncertainmarket of Russia, which has its own specific features and the potential forresearch and maximize the demand for Chinese high-tech products.
China and Russia have long lead closer economic cooperation, which inrecent years has reached a new level and continues to strengthen. This trendcreates favorable conditions for the development of Chinese companies on theRussian market.
Today’s foreign policy situation in Russia makes this topic especiallyrelevant, a time when the relationship between the Russian and Westernmarkets weakened; enabling Chinese partners to gain greater competitiveadvantage, and this opportunity should not be missed.
International marketing is very important part of international trade andthe economy as a whole in our time, it provides the expansion of production,development and balance the economy of cooperating countries, and the end-user access to a quality product Company holding a leading position in theinternational market have achieved good results by producing extensive andreliable information about customers, competitors and the overall marketsituation abroad. Therefore, to make the right selection, adaptation andupgrading of the product, to create an advertising campaign in line with thewishes of the consumers, and to ensure delivery of the goods and the work ofmarketing strategy as a whole, it is necessary to conduct a detailed marketresearch the target country.

1.2 Purpose of the studyThe main purposes of any marketing research are:
1) Studying and establishing the potential of the market or product aboutthe possible volume of its sales, terms of implementation, price levels, andpotential clientele;
2) A study of the behavior of competitors, the direction of their actions,potential opportunities, pricing strategies;
3) Marketing research with the definition of the territory that is the best interms of sales, the volume of sales in the market, which is the most effective.
The purpose of the study, to analyze the main trends and innovations in thedevelopment of a marketing strategy for international companies in the Russianmarket in particular for manufacturers of mobile gadgets such as Huawei andXiaomi, as a result, give recommendations on adjusting the marketing strategyin this segment.
To achieve the goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1) To study and give the basic concepts of principles of internationalmarketing research.
2) Analyze competitors in the market.2) To study the consumer in the target market
3) Analyze the main trends in global and Russian marketing.
4) On the basis of the received information, give a description andproposals for the modernization of the marketing strategy in the Russian market.

Chapter 2 Theoretical framework and secondarydata analysis

2.1 Methods and process of construction of the marketingresearch.
What does the marketing research process consist of? The process ofmarketing research is a difficult task, and the approach to its solution should beas responsible and organized as possible.To do this, it is necessary toclearly understand all the stages of this process and necessarily act inaccordance with them. The graphical diagram clearly demonstrates all thestages of marketing research. (See figure 2-1)

As noted in the first chapter of this study, the main research methods willbe Questionnaire and personal interview. More about these methods:

2.2. Analysis of the smartphone market.
2.2.1 Characteristic of activity of competitors in this market.
Analyzing the reports of TrendForce Company, dealing with variousresearches in the field of technology markets, we were able to classify andcharacterize the main players in the Russian smartphone market.
These four brands are known all over the world. They have been present onthe Russian market for more than 10 years, their business is quite persifiedand they are known as stable and reliable companies.
Apple abandoned the budget segment after an unsuccessful attempt in theface of the iPhone 5C. In 2016 the US smartphone manufacturer did not meetthe expectations of customers and showed weak sales of iPhone 7, as a result,Apple's total share fell 11.5% over the year, their share in the global market fellfrom 18.2% to 15.3%. TrendForce predicts that in 2017, Apple will occupy15.6% of the world market, but for this Apple should release an iPhone 8 moreinteresting than the previous one.
In 2016, the reputation of the Samsung company was spoiled by theincident with the flare-up of Galaxy Note 7, resulting in Samsung withdrew 3million devices. Samsung also has budget models, but they lose by the price /quality relation to their Chinese competitors. At the same time, the success ofthe flagship Samsung Galaxy S7, which in 2016 was among the top-sellingsmartphones in the world, as well as the good sales of the flagship in 2015Samsung Galaxy S6 and other models of the company allowed it to remain aleader in the global smartphone market and lose in sales in three times less thanApple: 3.3%. In 2016, Samsung accounted for 22.8% of the world market,compared to 24.7% a year earlier.
第 3 章主要数据收集与分析................. 27
3.1 调查问卷的设计 ..................27
3.1.1 一般信息 ..................27
3.1.2 调查分析 .......................27
第 4 章讨论和建议 .................... 54
4.1 建议 .................54
4.1.1 俄罗斯的地域特征 ...................54
4.1.2 定位设备和优化操作系统 ..........55

Chapter 4 Discussion and Recommendations

4.1 Recommendations
4.1.1 Territorial features of Russia
The Russian smartphone market has been growing since 2014, especiallythanks to sales in the mid-market segment. Due to the fact that during adifficult economic situation in the country, consumers fearing a sharp jump inprices for technology buy smartphones until it happened. In this situation, thebehavior in the field of pricing by market leaders attracts interest, which meetsever more significant competition. Here, Chinese manufacturers are gaining acompetitive advantage by offering more attractive prices. But the analysis ofcompetitive positions of market participants in terms of price segments is ofless practical importance. Even considering the current situation on the Russianmarket, smartphones remain a category of goods on which the Russianconsumer is not ready to save. Too low price for Chinese brands scares theRussians. Even those consumers who have a small income first of all payattention to the quality of the smartphone and the face of the company on theInternet. This research is focused on researching such areas of the marketingstrategy as consumer research, research of sale stimulation systems andadvertising.

Despite the difficulties encountered during the research, the work wascarried out in accordance with the plan. The first chapter of the paper describesthe background and significance of the topic. The topic was not chosen bychance, the main reason for the choice was the development of economicrelations between Russia and China, the next reason was the growingimportance of smartphones in human life. And finally, the fact that at the timeof choosing the topic, the highly-invested start-up Xiaomi planned to enter theRussian market and Huawei became the leader among Chinese smartphonemanufacturers in the Russian market.
1. An analysis of secondary sources of information was carried out. Here,sources of information were used that describe the latest marketing trends inRussia and the world. Other sources helped describe the current situation in thesmartphone market and competitors on it. Mainly the second chapter helps toanalyze the elements of the marketing strategy necessary for the successfuloperation of companies in Russia in this and the following years.
2. This work describes the process of collecting and analyzing sources ofprimary information. Here the Russian market of smartphones by means ofinterviews of specialists in this field has been studied in more detail. Then,consumer preferences were studied using the questionnaire of Russiansmartphone owners. This helped to determine the specifics of the market in theremote regions of Russia.
3. Research shows a comparative analysis of Xiaomi and Huawei, whichincluded SWOT analysis of company’s activity in Russia. This alloweddetermining the existing and possible problems of these companies in theRussian smartphone market. The fourth chapter is proposals andrecommendations on the modernization of Huawei and Xiaomi's marketingstrategies in the Russian smartphone market. Also, the chapter describes theproblems encountered during the research.
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