本文是一篇经济管理论文,本研究结果表明:(1)产品态度、健康意识以及对有机蔬菜的认知 3 个变量对消费者的有机蔬菜购买行为均具有显著正向影响。而价格感知显著负向影响消费者对有机蔬菜的购买行为。(2)老挝万象 50.5%的消费者对于有机蔬菜的购买频率为每周 2 次;45.8%的消费者对于有机蔬菜的购买质量达到每次 5-10kg;37.2%的消费者有机蔬菜消费能力为$20-$50;34.7%的消费者认为健康意识是其购买有机蔬菜的主要原因。
Organic vegetable is considered more environment-friendly when compared toconventional foods. Organic farming includes a wide range of practice that were expected tobe socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable (Bourn & Prescott, 2002). Organicfarming practices produce vegetable that provides health benefits such as higher levels ofnutrition (Crinnion, 2010). The global demand of organic vegetable could jump from $70.7billion in 2012 to $187.85 billion in 2018 (Roughneen., 2013). Organic vegetableconsumptions has increased the five-fold in the last six years in Thailand, Lao hasenormous cross-border trade opportunities, (Roughneen., 2013). The growth of organicproduct is seen as part of emerging marketing trends where consumers seek to know what anorganic vegetables could deliver before making purchase decisions (Thogersen, Zhou, &Huang, 2016). Therefore investigating drivers for organic vegetable consumptions hasbecome an important marketing research issue in recently (Squires, Juric, & Cornwell, 2001).Very large number of consumers from all over the world were concern with environmentalproblems (Diekmann & Franzen., 1999). In order to understand customers were interested inpurchasing the organic vegetables, its necessary to understand the nature of the finalizedpurchasing decisional process and, therefore, they want to achieve through the purchased(Smith & Swinyard, 1999). From a cognitive perspective, consumer behavior can bedefined as the activities that people engage in when selecting, purchasing, and using organicvegetables (Zanoli & Naspetti, 2002). The alternative foods systems discourse hasincreasingly been concerned with natural products and social responsibility (Williams &Hammitt., 2001). This was because currently environmental dreadful conditions were evermore menacing the consumers’ healthy and we’ll be need organic vegetable for safety(Ragavan & Mageh, 2013). The domestic organic markets in Lao appears to be growingrapidly, since December 2006 when the first organic farmers’ market was organized at ThatLouang in Vientiane city, the market has expanded significantly both in terms of the numberof farmers participating, the range of products, market frequency, and sales volume. At thebegin, the market was organized once a month and later on became a weekly event(Panyakul., 2012). Some studies provide an overview of the most important strengths,weaknesses; opportunities, and threats “SWOT” of the Lao vegetable sector, with regard tothe launching an organic vegetable project oriented towards exports and local trade(Sipaseuth., Sommany., & Wilson., 2008). Currently, Laos has no national regulations on itsorganic agriculture and trade. The producers and traders can voluntarily choose whether tohave organic certification and which organic standards to apply for foods safety (Panyakul.,2012). This limited marketing system has effectively introduced organic products in Lao, andcan serve as a basis for further expansion. But it was highly dependent on outside supportand may not be sustainable over the long-term (Sipaseuth. et al., 2008).
The general purpose of this study is to examine the purchasing behaviors of the Laoconsumers about the organic vegetables not representative of those who consume organicvegetables. What are the major factors affecting the purchasing behavior of the Laosconsumption decision to buy the organic vegetables? What are some of the reasons thatorganic vegetables are rising in popularity? To answer the questions, we have three specificobjectives. The specific objectives of this thesis are as follows:
To study the behavior of organic vegetables consumers in Vientiane, Lao.
To analyze the level of the marketing mix of organic vegetables that affectconsumer purchasing decisions in Vientiane, Lao.
To comparison, marketing mix ingredients influence the decision to purchaseorganic vegetables separately by inpidual factors.
The consumer purchasing behavior of vegetables section there are many research inthe developed country for example Vermeir and Verbeke (2008) Sustainable consumptionintention in general and specifically depending on consumer's perceived confidence andpersonal values. Scott and David (2000) a hierarchical relationship from values to product-specific attitudes to purchasing intention to purchase behaviors were confirmed. The aim ofthe present studies were therefore to determine the drivers of actual organic vegetablepurchasing and compare them with the drivers of attitudes towards organic vegetable(Janssen, 2018). According to Moser (2015) the strong predictor of organic vegetablespurchasing behavior, follows by personal norms the impacts of attitude is insignificant; thisimply an attitude behaviors gap
2.1.1 Personal Factor
Personal factor refers to the inpidual factors to the consumers that stronglyinfluencing their organic vegetable purchasing behaviors. These factors vary from person toperson those results in a different set of perceptions, attitudes, and behavior towards certaingoods, and services of production ("Personal factor definition, available from:https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/factor.asp.,").
2.1.2 Consumers’ Behavior
Consumers’ behavior was the marketing discipline that study the activities performedby customers as they interact with brand of company, and the factors that lead customers tobehave the way they do. These include all the emotional, psychological, and behavioraspects of customers activities, before, during, and after. Customer behavior is affected byemotions, attitudes, and preferences, and is also influenced by each consumer’s uniquepersonality, demographics, lifestyle, and many other effect factors on consumers’ behavior("Meaning/definition and nature of consumer behavior, available from:http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/marketing/market-segmentation/consumer-behaviourmeaningdefinition-and-nature-of-consumer-behaviour/32301.,").
2.1.3 Purchase
Purchasing is activities of acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goals ofcompanies, and persons. The major objectives of purchases are to maintain the qualities, andvalue of the company's products minimize cash tied-up in inventory, maintain the flowing ofinput to maintain the flowing of outputs, and strengthen the organization's competitiveposition. Purchases may also involve development, and review of the products specifications,receipt, and processing of requisitions, advertising for bid, bid evaluation, awards of supplyontracts, inspection of goods received ("Definition and meaning of purchasing, availablefrom: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/purchasing.html,").
2.2.1 Consumers’ Behaviors on Organic Vegetable
The theories of consumer behavior is an extension of the theories for reasons action onorganic vegetable (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). Made necessary by the original model’slimitation in dealing with organic vegetable purchasing behaviors over which people had incompleted volitional control (Fishbein & Ajzen., 1975). See Figure 2.1 that depicts thetheories in the form of a structure diagram for ease of presentation possible feedbackeffecting of behaviors on the antecedent variables were not shown. The original theories ofreasons action central factors in the theories of planned behaviors were inpidual’s intentionto perform given behaviors. Intention was assumed to capture the motivation factors thatinfluencing behaviors, they’re indications of how hard peoples are willing to try of howmuch effort they’re planning to exert, in order to perform the behaviors as general rule thestronger the intention to engage in behaviors, the more likely should be its performance. Itshould be cleared, however, that behavioral intention could findings expression in behaviorsonly if the behaviors in questions was under volitional control if the persons could decide atwill to perform, not perform the behaviors. Although some behaviors may in fact meet thisrequirement quite as well, the performance of most depends at least to some degree on suchno motivation factors availability of requisite opportunity, and resources as time, money,skills, and cooperation of others by on (Ajzen, 1985), for a discussion collectively thesefactors represent people’s actually control over the organic vegetable behaviors.
3.1 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK................................... 15
3.1.1 Product – specific Attitude.........................16
3.1.2 Health Consciousness........................... 16
CHAPTER 4 DATA AND METHODOLOGY................................20
4.1 DATA......................................... 20
4.1.1 Study Area.................................. 20
4.1.2 Data Sources................................ 21
CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND ANALYSES.......................................25
5.1.1 Purchasing Frequency.......................... 26
5.1.2 Purchasing Quantities............................ 27
The consumers’ purchasing behaviors on organic vegetable were analyzed and thesummary is presented in Table 5.1, shows the results that 34.7% of respondents purchasedorganic vegetables at Thatluang market, and 65.3% purchased at Jao anouvong market.Regarding the day purchasing most of the respondents purchased on weekends 71.8% andpurchased on weekdays 28.2%. The consumers’ purchasing behaviors on organic vegetablewere analyzed and the summary is presented shows the results that most respondentspurchased organic vegetables at Jao anouvong market, regarding the day on Sunday, thefrequency purchased twice per week respondents marked healthy content as the main reasontheir answer for the purchase of organic vegetable. In terms of quantities purchased 5-10 kgas for the paid $20-$50.
The main objective of this study is to study the factors influencing consumers’purchasing behavior on organic vegetable products in Vientiane, Lao. The tool used in thisstudy was the two structured questionnaires for manufacturer were distributed to 10 groupsin Vientiane capital and for consumer distributed to 323 samples on the basic of random andconvenience sampling. The collected data is then analyzed through descriptive statisticsprocess including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. To examine thereliability of the empirical data, consistency analysis has been done using Cornbrash’s alphamethod. Various statistical methods and techniques such as the factor analysis, multiplelinear regression analysis were used to analyze quantitative data collected through astructured questionnaire findings indicated that most of the respondents are married female,obtain Bachelor’s degrees, have a job with private staff earned monthly income $200 - $500and their family member were between 3-6 persons.
First, the results have revealed four factors as Product-specific attitude, healthconsciousness, perceived price, and knowledge of organic vegetables that influence theconsumer attitude towards organic vegetable products. However, purchase intention towardsorganic vegetables was affected by these four factors along with one additional factor etc.,availability. As market location matters to consumers while making purchase relateddecisions. Hypotheses testing according to results obtained, it can be said that consumerattitude towards organic vegetables is influenced by product specific attitude, healthconsciousness, perceived price and knowledge of organic vegetables.
Second, the consumers’ purchasing behaviors on organic vegetable were analyzed andthe summary is presented shows the results that most respondents purchased organicvegetables at Jao anouvong market, regarding the day at Weekends, the frequency purchasedtwice per week respondents marked healthy content as the main reason their answer for thepurchase of organic vegetable. For quantities purchased 5-10 kg their paid $20-$50.
Third, marketing mix impact consumers toward purchasing organic vegetables foundthat the factors most respondents concern with the average in high level in place factor,product factor and promotion factor respectively the factor with medium level was the price.
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