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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202315886 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网

长久以来,客观性一直是困扰社会科学领域 的难题之一,客观性不仅关涉到人之外部世界的实在性这一基本哲学命题,也关涉到社会科学知识的可靠性这一知识社会学的基本命题。本文对社会科学的客观性问题进行了初步探讨,以经典社会学家马克斯.韦伯的社会科学方法论为例,讨论了近代社会科学领域实证主义与诊释学两者之间的激流交汇,以及韦伯在强烈的学术使命感之下对二者之间的客观性基础的调和尝试,以此来找到社会科学知识客观性的坚实基础。本文对韦伯方法论中的关键概念进行了详细解剖和解释,对其中的逻辑关系进行了梳理和澄清。韦伯对传统的实在概念以及社会行动概念进行了重新定义,因此,韦伯的社会科学客观性同时接纳了事实和价值两个概念,这不仅取决于研究目的和研究对象的特质,也取决于韦伯本人的价值关联。韦伯的社会科学客观性蕴含在价值关联、逻辑分析和实践操作三个层面上,其对客观性的界定正是韦伯本人的著名概念“理想类型”的一种,是一种根据研究对象和研究目的而为理论研究提供的自我约束形式,这也为评价社会研究工作树立了新的合法化标准。由于作者不仅在科学层面上,也是在价值关联下阐述客观性的基础原则,因此,这些社会科学的客观性赖以产生的原则不仅是技术上的要求,也是身为公众角色的社会科学道德层面的要求。

Abstract Over the years, objectivity has been haunting the field of social sciences one ofthe thorny issues, objectivity concerning a person not only to the outside world is thebasic philosophy of this proposition, but also relates to the social scientific knowledgeof the reliability of the basic knowledge of sociology proposition. In this paper, thesocial science question the objectivity of a preliminary study to classical sociologistMax. Weber's social science methodology example, the discussion of modern socialsciences positivism and hermeneutics the rapids between the intersection and Webbern a strong academic mission between the two right under the passenger based on theconcept try to reconcile in order to find the objectivity of social scientific knowledgeon a solid foundation. Weber methodology of this paper right of the key concepts ofanatomy and detailed explanation of the logic of the relationship sorted out andclarified. Webber is the traditional concept of the concept of social action for there-definition, therefore, Weber's social science objectivity also accepted the fact thatthe two concepts and values, which depend not only on the purpose and nature of thestudy, but also depends on the value Weber Association. Weber's social scienceobjectivity contained in the associated value, logic analysis and practice operatesthree levels, the definition of objectivity Weber himself is a well-known concept of"ideal type" A, according to a study and research purposes for theoretical study of theforms of self-restraint, which also to assess social studies establish a new standardlegalization. As the author not only the scientific level, as well as the value of
associative explained the basis of the principle of objectivity, therefore, theobjectivity of the social sciences which the principle is not only technicalrequirements, as well as being a public role in the social sciences moral levelrequirements.Keywords:Social science objectivity Positivism Hermeneutics

摘要 3-4
Abstract 4
一.绪论 5-7
二.韦伯社会科学方法论的理论基础 7-10
三.韦伯的社会科学方法论蕴含的客观性意涵 10-15
四.理想类型——连接经验与沟通取向 15-19
五.理解与解释——建构论和实在论的综合 19-22
六.社会科学的客观可能性——实践逻辑的开放性 22-26
七.价值关联——客观性之实践前提 26-31
八.价值中立——社会科学客观性诉求 31-35
九.马克斯.韦伯方法论的客观性基础总结 35-43
参考文献 43-45
致谢 45

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