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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202321870 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
Metaphor is the core issue of the mind. Metaphor’s essence is to understand andexperience one thing in terms of another (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). As the basis ofpeople’s cognition, thinking, experience, language, and even behavior, metaphor is theprimary and essential way of man’s living and the cognitive tool achieving mappingbetween different conceptual domains, playing a critical role in the knowledge creationand transmission. In the last three decades, philosophers, psychologists, linguists, andeven logicians have realized that metaphor is the integrated foundation of language andthinking. In essence, the human conceptual system and cognitive thinking mechanism arealso metaphorical.
Since the 1980s, with the study of metaphor entering the cognitive category,metaphor has been considered as the essence of human language and one of thefundamental ways of thinking and employed in second language acquisition research.Metaphor is the universal cognitive way of human beings, and foreign language learningalso belongs to the basic cognitive behavior. The cognitive study of metaphor serves anessential role in foreign language learning. One focus of metaphor researches lies in thesecond language learners’ metaphor comprehension and production competence. Becausenative speakers share with the social and cultural background in metaphor use, they canget more similar relevant information from the metaphor comprehension and productionwithout extra cognitive efforts or strategies. Their metaphor comprehension andproduction of L1 conforms to the general cognition law, which could be interpreted ascompleting the maximum cognition with the least cognitive effort. However, themetaphor comprehension and production of L2 have their special law. Generallyspeaking, due to the lack of relevant target language culture and conceptual system,together with the limitation of their second language level and first language culturetransfer, second language learners cannot process metaphors automatically like nativespeakers. Based on the psycholinguistics research, non-automatized language processingrequires skills, and it indicates that the metaphor comprehension and production of L2also does. What is noteworthy is that compared with the general language, metaphoricallanguage has its characteristics, such as the visualization of the metaphorical vehicleseasily leading to the association, which determines the much more complicated strategiesinvolved in the metaphor comprehension and production of L2 language (Xu Zhiyuan &Zhao Ming, 2014).

1.2 Research Contents
The project mainly collects data via two studies.
Study 1: Metaphor production strategy. According to the quick placement testresults of Oxford University, 30 Grade 3 students in the experimental class and 30 Grade1 students in the non-experimental class are pided into high and low-level groups. Inthis study, 40 conventional metaphors are used as test materials to investigate the qualityand quantity of their metaphor production, analyze their metaphor acquisition level andproduction competence, and consider the related factors affecting their metaphor usingtheir English proficiency.
Study 2: Metaphor comprehension strategy. 60 Chinese senior high school students(hereafter CSHSS) participating in the study are required to write down thecorresponding meanings of the target metaphors and at the same time give a briefstatement of the reasons why they understand them this way. Data are collected andanalyzed to investigate the strategies that participants rely on to understand metaphors aswell as the effect of English proficiency on the use of those strategies.
It mainly answers the following three questions:
(1) What strategies do CSHSS resort to in their metaphor production? What are thedifferences in target language metaphor production strategies among CSHSS of differentEnglish proficiency levels?(2) What strategies do CSHSS resort to in their metaphor comprehension? What arethe differences in the metaphor comprehension strategies between students of differentEnglish proficiency levels?(3) What are the features of CSHSS’ English metaphor acquisition?

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Theories Concerning Metaphor Cognition
2.1.1 Conceptual Metaphor Theory
Lakoff and Johnson (1980) pointed out that the conceptual system we live by tothink and act is metaphorical. A metaphor is a conceptual system, which consists of thesource domain and target domain. The conceptual metaphor is a metaphorical expressionstored in people’s minds, reflecting the essence of things and the mapping relationshipbetween conceptual domains. For example, “Argument is war.” is a conceptual metaphor,where the argument is the target domain, and war is the source domain. People use theconcept and experience of “war” to understand and describe “argument”. In a war, itinvolves both sides, attacking and defending, and winning or losing. These conceptualschemas are also reflected in the argument. In this way, the abstract concept of“argument” can be recognized through the specific idea of “war”. Lakoff and Johnson(1980) believed that these conceptual metaphors are pervasive in our daily life, and theirmetaphorical meanings are almost equal to literal meanings. These conceptual metaphorsconstitute the basis of people’s daily thinking and acting, the way we live.
The cognition basis of conceptual metaphor is image schema. Image schema is thedynamic representation of spatial relations and movements. It has its internal logic orstructure, which determines its role in constructing other conceptions (Tendahl & Gibbs,2008; Yu Cuihong & Pan Xiuli, 2019). Image schema originates from people’s embodiedlife experiences and matters in cross-domain mapping. For instance, the balance imageschema comes from people’s body balance, and this image schema metaphorically mapsabstract things and actions like mental balance. Another example shows that in theexpression of “Love is travel.”, reflecting love through the image schema of travel andbased on the combination of the two to comprehend what love is. Therefore, imageschema is an essential instrument for human thinking activities and the cognitionprocess’s natural part. From cognitive linguistics, image schema is the psychologicalrepresentation of human life experience and the essential nature of metaphoricalmeaning.

2.2 Metaphoric Competence
Researchers do not define metaphoric competence components in the same way dueto different research objectives (Yuan Fengshi, 2012). There are narrow and broaddefinitions of metaphoric competence. According to Gardner & Winner (1978),metaphoric competence should include the ability to paraphrase metaphors, explain therationale of metaphorical validity, generate appropriate metaphors in a particular context,and evaluate metaphorical expressions’ appropriateness. Pollio & Smith (1980) identifiedthree components of metaphoric competence: originality, fluency, and the ability toextract metaphorical meaning. Kogan (1983) argues that metaphoric competence refersto the ability to understand and produce metaphors, and Azuma (2005) argues thatmetaphoric competence includes recognizing, applying, and conceptually understandingmetaphors. Iijima & Murrow (2006) consider metaphoric competence to recognize,interpret and produce metaphors. Wang Yin and Li Hong (2004) argue that metaphoriccompetence includes the ability to recognize, understand, and create cross-domainconceptual analogies, including the ability to passively understand and learn metaphorsand the ability to use metaphors creatively. The higher goal of including a richimagination and the ability to think creatively. metaphoric competence is the ability ofnative speakers to perceive the world in terms of language. metaphoric competence in anarrow sense is more oriented towards the development of metaphoric competence innative speakers.



Chapter Three Methodology................................. 21
3.1 Research Materials............................................. 21
3.1.1 Classification Criteria for Metaphorical Sentences........................21
3.1.2 Metaphor Production Task.................................. 22
3.1.3 Metaphor Comprehension Task.....................................23
Chapter Four Metaphor Production Strategies....................................31
4.1 Production strategies....................................... 31
4.1.1 Data Analysis........................................31
4.1.2 Discussion............................... 32
Chapter Five Metaphor Comprehension Strategies..................................44
5.1 Comprehension Strategies...................................44
5.1.1 Data Analysis...............................................44
5.1.2 Discussion.............................................. 47

Chapter Five Metaphor Comprehension Strategies

5.1 Comprehension Strategies
5.1.1 Data Analysis
Sixty high school students take part in the test. A total of 60 valid test are received.Among 1200(30*40) answers from the Grade 3 students of the experimental class, 840correct answers are presented around target English metaphors, with a correct rate of70.0%; among 1200 answers from the Grade 1 students of the non-experimental class,728 correct answers are presented, with a correct rate of 60.7% (Table 5.1).


The researcher who did not participate in the grading work analyzed all the reasonsfor learners’ metaphor comprehension, whose classification is made in line with the sameor similar concepts. We have summed up seven types: sentence context, literal meaning,Chinese culture knowledge, English culture knowledge, guessing, mental image, andstructure analysis. The following examples offer an illustration of the strategies .

Chapter Six Research Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings
This thesis takes metaphor as the topic which is a universal linguistic phenomenonand fundamental way of cognition. Through two tests, this study explores Englishlearners’ metaphor production competence and metaphor comprehension strategies. Themajor findings are listed below.
Firstly, Senior high school students are less capable in metaphor production than inmetaphor comprehension them. Due to their low competence in metaphor production,learners cannot use metaphor to construct the conceptual system in the target language.The discourse they produce is discursively literal.
Secondly, in the process of Chinese-English metaphor translation, the subjectsemploy several strategies to create English metaphors unless they have already knownthe correct target metaphors. These strategies include regular expression, incompleteexpression, L1 transfer, literal meaning, synonyms, and other English metaphors. Topresent the target metaphor’s expression, they would draw support from various feasiblemethods or means to deduce and create in that process, and to ensure accuracy, they allwould adopt strategies with less risks and within their reach, which is a conservativecreation process.
Thirdly, Learners’ English proficiency has a significant effect on the strategies formetaphor production, and those of higher English proficiency tend to use more regularexpressions, L1 transfer, and synonyms strategies, while those of lower Englishproficiency tend to use more incomplete expressions and literal meaning strategies. Thet-test showed that there are significant differences between the high and low proficiencygroups in literal meaning strategies, incomplete expression strategies, regular expressionstrategies, and synonyms strategies, and there are no significant differences in L1 transferstrategies and other irrelevant metaphor strategies. It can be concluded that Englishproficiency affects metaphor production competence. Learners with high Englishproficiency having higher metaphor production competence than learners with lowEnglish proficiency.
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