Chapter One!ntroduction1 .1 Research Background1.1.1 The Requirement of Curriculum Stahdnr}ls for SeniorSchool English了Trial)
In 2001,the Ministry of Education in China established the Curs0iculzem Standards,forSenior High School English (Trial), which symbolizes the beginning of a new phase ofEnglish Curriculum Reform. According to Curriculum Standards,for Senior High SchoolEnglish (Trial), English teaching is no longer aiming at imparting knowledge; instead, itfirstly focuses on developing students' intelligence, exploiting their potential, inspiringtheir creativity, cultivating their healthy personality and exploring theirindependent-inquiry ability and regards promoting students' lifelong and sustainabledevelopment as the basic starting point. In accordance with this, significant changes havebeen aroused among English teaching belief, teaching content, teaching process and theroles of teachers and students in class. The new teaching philosophy requires that Englishteaching must face each student who has her/his own characteristics and is quite differentfrom anyone else. The new curriculum, from the course objectives to teaching materials,embodies the essence of respecting inpidual differences and the persity of students.Different teaching methods and evaluating standards should be adopted in order to createconditions for the development of each student.
In order to meet the requirements of theteaching methods and teaching behaviors andnew curriculum, teachers must change theirestablish a new teaching philosophy. Theyshould not only have a solid academic foundation, broad academic vision and theawareness of renovating knowledge, but also grasp the essence of education, understandthe law of development of students, master modern educational technology, love students,concern about students and be responsible for students.
The new round of curriculum reform is ultimately achieved and fulfilled by teachersthrough teaching practice. English teacher, who acts as the subject to implement newcurriculum, is the key factor which decides the success or failure of curriculum reform justas Fullan indicates "if one single factor can influence reform, it must be theteacher"(Fullan, 2001).Therefore, New Curriculum Standard sets a higher demand onEnglish teachers. They must equip themselves with new corresponding ability structure toadapt to the new requirements of curriculum reform and educational development.Classroom instructional design is the prelude of classroom teaching and the prerequisite ofa good lesson. Therefore, the classroom instructional design ability of teachers directlyimpacts the quality of classroom instructional design and then influences the quality ofclassroom teaching.
1.1.2 The Requirement of Teachers' Professional Development
The quality of education mainly depends on the overall quality of teaching staff.Therefore, to establish a high-quality teaching staff has become a common strategicmeasure of educational reform in various countries. Since 1960s, the movement, whichaims at increasing the level of teachers' professionalism, has become the leading campaignto improve the quality of teachers. In 1986, the two reports, The Country Prepares ,forCultivating the 21 S' Century Teacher and Teachers of Tomorrow set teachers' professionaldevelopment as the objective of teacher education reform. UNESCO also attached greatimportance to teachers' professional development and called meetings about teachers'professional development in 1980. Since the end of the last century, more and moreChinese scholars have been interested in studying teachers' professional development. Allthese facts show that there is a growing concern for the professional development ofteachers.
In order to meet the requirements of the development of the new era, ChineseMinistry of Education formally promulgated the first professional competence standardsof primary and secondary school teachers-The Educational Technology CompetencyStandards of Primary and Secondary School Teachers in December 25}h, 2004. Thepromulgation of competence standards put forward a clear demand for teachers'educational technology competence. Classroom instructional design competency is animportant part of teachers' educational technology competence (He Kekang, 2005).Therefore, the study of teachers' classroom instructional design competence can deepenthe research of teachers' educational technology competence and further enrich the theoryof teachers' professional competence. Furthermore, the development of high schoolEnglish teachers' classroom instructional design competence under the background ofinformation technology has become the urgent need of promoting the reform of Englisheducation.
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Acknowledgements 4-10
Abstract 10-12
内容摘要 13-15
Chapter One Introduction 15-19
1.1 Research Background 15-17
1.1.1 The Requirement of Curriculum Standards for Senior High School English (Trial) 15-16
1.1.2 The Requirement of Teachers' Professional Development 16-17
1.2 Significance of the Study 17-19
1.2.1 Theoretical Significance 17
1.2.2 Significance for Practice 17-19
Chapter Two Literature Review 19-30
2.1 Discussion on Classroom Instructional Design 19-22
2.1.1 Definitions of Classroom Instructional Design 19
2.1.2 Constituents of Classroom Instructional Design 19-20
2.1.3 Studies on Classroom Instructional Design Abroad 20-21
2.1.4 Studies on Classroom Instructional Design in China 21-22
2.2 Discussion on Teachers' Competence 22-25
2.2.1 The Definition of Teachers' Classroom Instructional Design Competence 22-25
2.2.2 Constituents of Teachers' Classroom Instructional Design Competence 25
2.3 Teachers' Professional Development 25-29
2.3.1 The Definition of Professional Development 25-26
2.3.2 Teachers' Professional Life Cycle 26-27
2.3.3 Teacher Knowledge 27-29 Teacher Knowledge as Practical Knowledge 27 Teacher Knowledge as Situated Knowledge 27-28 Teacher Knowledge as Content Knowledge 28-29
2.4 Limitations of Previous Studies 29-30
Chapter Three Research Design 30-34
3.1 Research Questions 30
3.2 Research Sample 30-31
3.3 Instruments 31-32
3.3.1 Questionnaire 31
3.3.2 Classroom Instructional Design Table 31-32
3.3.3 Interview 32
3.4 Data Collection and Analysis 32-34
3.4.1 Data Collection 32-33
3.4.2 Data Analysis 33-34
Chapter Four Results and Discussion 34-60
4.1 The Current Situations of High School English Teachers' Instructional Belief 34-38
4.1.1 Teachers' Understanding of the Belief of Curriculum Standards for Senior High School English (Trial) 34-35
4.1.2 Teachers' Implementation of the Belief of Curriculum Standards for Senior High School English (Trial) 35
4.1.3 Teachers' Classroom Instructional Belief 35-38 The Classroom Instructional Belief of Teachers in Different Schools 36-37 The Classroom Instructional Belief of Teachers with Different Years of teaching 37 Discussion on the Current Situation of High School English Teachers' Classroom Instructional Belief 37-38
4.2 The Current Situations of High School English Teachers' Competence of Analyzing Students 38-41
4.2.1 The Competence of Analyzing Students of Teachers in Different Schools 39-40
4.2.2 The Competence of Analyzing Students of Teachers with Different Years of Teaching 40-41
4.2.3 Discussion on the Current Situations of High School English Teachers' Competence of Analyzing Students 41
4.3 The Current Situations of High School English Teachers' Competence of Preparing Instructional Objectives 41-45
4.3.1 Teachers' Understanding of Instructional Objectives 41-42
4.3.2 The Competence of Preparing Instructional Objectives of Teachers in Different Schools 42-43
4.3.3 The Competence of Preparing Instructional Objectives of Teachers with Different Years of Teaching 43-44
4.3.4 Discussion on the Current Situations of High School English Teachers' 44-45
4.4 The Current Situations of High School English Teachers'Competence of Designing Instructional Media 45-47
4.4.1 The Competence of Designing Instructional Media of Teachers in Different Schools 46
4.4.2 The Competence of Designing Instructional Media of Teachers with Different Years of Teaching 46-47
4.4.3 Discussion on the Current Situations of High School English Teachers' Competence of Designing Instructional Media 47
4.5 The Current Situations of High School English Teachers' Competence of Evaluating Instructional Design 47-50
4.5.1 The Competence of Evaluating Instructional Design of Teachers in Different Schools 48-49
4.5.2 The Competence of Evaluating Instructional Design of Teachers with Different Years of Teaching 49-50
4.5.3 Discussion on the Current Situations of High School English Teachers' Competence of Evaluating Instructional Design 50
4.6 The Contributing Factors which Affect and Restrict Teachers' Instructional Design Competence 50-56
4.6.1 The Factor of Student 50-52 Students Vary from Each Other Greatly 51 Students Lack of Basic Knowledge and Skills 51 Class Capacity is Too Large 51-52
4.6.2 The Factor of Course Resource 52-53 Lacking of Matching Curriculum Resources 52-53 Poor Conditions for Running Schools 53
4.6.3 The Factor of Teacher 53-55 Teachers' Inappropriate Instructional Belief 54 Teachers Lack of Corresponding Knowledge and Competence 54-55
4.6.4 The Factor of Teacher Training 55-56 Limited Training Chances 55-56 Limited Training Effectiveness 56
4.7 The Coping Strategies for the Development of Teachers' Classroom Instructional Design Competence 56-60