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我国创业板上市公司在并购宣告时会产生并购综合绩效。高科技并购比非高科技并购具有较强的并购正面宣告效果,相关并购在并购宣告前后短期间及比非相关并购具有较强并购正面宣告效果 ,且并购宣告前后两者表现不同。国内并购在并购宣告前后短期间比国际并购具有较强并购正面宣告效果。换股并购在并购宣告前后短期间及整体事件期平均较现金并购具有较强并购正面宣告效果。
在多元回归分析(一次进入法)下,国际并购在宣告日当天能创造显著的正向累积平均异常收益(CAR)。对于整体事件期 (-20,20)而言,主并公司为高科技产业以及换股并购都能创造不显著的正向累积平均异常收益(CAR),尤其主并公司为高科技产业除了在 (0,20)外都能创造不显著的正向累积平均异常收益(CAR);相反地相关并购与国际并购则带来不显著的负向累积平均异常收益(CAR)。
窗口内累积平均异常收益率(CAR),反若从事国际并购则降低。主并公司为非高科技产业若从事相关并购将显著降低(0,20)窗口内累积平均异常收益(CAR), 若采用换股并购可显著提升 (-1,0)、(-1,1)、(0,20)窗口内累积平均异常收益率(CAR)。国内并购若主并公司为高科技产业将显著提升(-20,0)窗口内累积平均异常收益率(CAR),若采用换股并购可显著提升 (0,0)窗口内累积平均异常收益率(CAR)。国际并购若主并公司为高科技产业将显著提升 (-10,10)、(-2,2)、(-3,3)窗口内累积平均异常收益率(CAR)。
In this study, the GEM Listing panoramic scan and performance analysis to explore the important factors to affect the companys performance in mergers and acquisitions declared. During the study period the China companies listed on GEM from 2009 to 2012, a total of 281. This study adopts the event study method to estimate the cumulative average abnormal return (CAR), and trying to figure out the importance of mergers and acquisitions affect the performance of GEM companies to four types of M & A, industry category, M & A location, payment and other variables into multiple regression equations variables. The empirical results show:
Will produce GEM listed company in China in the declaration of the M & M & A comprehensive performance. High-tech mergers and acquisitions than non-high-tech mergers and acquisitions have a positive announcement effect of a strong M & A related to mergers and acquisitions with strong M & A than non-related mergers and acquisitions in the acquisition announcement before and after a short period and a positive announcement effect, and the acquisition announcement before and after the two performances. Domestic are stronger than international mergers and acquisitions with M & A mergers and acquisitions in a short period before and after the acquisition announcement and the positive announcement effect. Convertible average compared to cash mergers and acquisitions with strong M & A mergers and acquisitions in a short period before and after the acquisition announcement and the overall event of positive announcement effects.
In the multiple regression analysis (time to enter method), the day of announcement day, the international mergers and acquisitions can create a significantly positive cumulative average abnormal return (CAR). For the overall event period (-20,20), main, and the company created for the high-tech industries as well as convertible mergers and acquisitions cannot significantly positive cumulative average abnormal return (CAR), in particular, the main and high-tech industry in addition to (0,20), can create no significant positive cumulative average abnormal return (CAR); the contrary related to mergers and acquisitions and international mergers and acquisitions is not significantly negative to the cumulative average abnormal return (CAR). In the multiple regression analysis (stepwise regression), the Lord and the company for high-tech industries engaged in related M & As can improve (-10,10) window cumulative average abnormal returns (CAR), engaged in domestic M & A increase (-20 , 0)
Window cumulative average abnormal returns (CAR), anti-international mergers and acquisitions is reduced. Lord and Company for non-high-tech industries in related mergers and acquisitions will be significantly reduced (0,20) window cumulative average abnormal return (CAR), the use of convertible mergers and acquisitions can significantly enhance the (-1,0), (-1,1 The), (0,20) window cumulative average abnormal returns (CAR). Domestic M & A to the Lord and the company is high-tech industries will significantly increase (-20,0) window cumulative average abnormal returns (CAR), the use of convertible mergers and acquisitions can significantly enhance the (0,0) window cumulative average abnormal returns (CAR). International M & A if the master and the company for high-tech industries will significantly enhance the (-10,10), (-2,2) (-3,3) window cumulative average abnormal returns (CAR).
According to the conclusions of this study can be seen, mergers and acquisitions information for the Companys performance accumulate in the declaration before and after the short term, although clear, but the long-term whether it can continue to accumulate is that they are negotiable. M & A activity is one of many investment activities of enterprises, and affect a wide range of far-reaching, it is proposed that enterprises in the pre-merger should be careful assessment and planning in order to implement the long-term accumulation of corporate performance.
Keywords: GEM listed companies, mergers and acquisitions, effect, event study, abnormal rate of return
目 录
1.1 研究背景与动机6
1.2 研究问题与研究目的7
1.3 研究流程及论文结构7
第二章 文献分析9
2.1 创业板上市企业全景扫描10
2.2 创业板上市企业特征分析13
2.3 并购定义与类型17
2.4 创业板上市企业的并购事件效应分析20
2.4.2代理问题(Agency Problem)21
2.4.3傲慢假设(Hubris Hypothesis)22
2.4.4差异效率理论(Differential Efficiency Theory)22
2.5 创业板上市企业绩效研究汇整24
2.5.1 按行业分类的绩效差异分析24
2.5.2 按地区分类的绩效差异分析26
2.5.3 按新兴产业分类的绩效差异分析26
2.5.4 按国企/民企分类的绩效差异分析27
第三章 研究方法设计29
3.1 研究假设29
3.2 资料来源与选样标准32
3.3 研究方法33
第四章 实证结果与分析41
4.1 样本特性41
4.2 事件期异常收益率分析42
第五章 研究讨论73
第六章 研究结论与建议81
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