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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202331948 日期:2023-07-22 来源:论文网






Promote the reform of state-owned enterprises, optimize the market competition, the best choice of reasonable allocation of resources; with the further deepening of market economic system reform, the reform model of the state-owned enterprises not only determines the effectiveness of the reform, but also the sustainable development of state-owned enterprises. The construction industry is fundamental to the country, the simulated stock management reform is one of the measures to reform the state-owned construction enterprise in our country, the management system reform to promote the process of simulation of the shares, at the present stage of China's state-owned enterprises is still in the stage of practice, do not have enough experience and theoretical guidance, and then slowly forward on the path of reform.

State owned construction enterprises in the development process, has been to the identity of a survival advantage in the industry, but with the deepening of state-owned enterprise system reform, the state-owned construction enterprises advantage will no longer exist, at the same time in the fierce market competition in the construction industry shows great disadvantage, which affect the sustainable development of China's state-owned construction enterprise. In the process of research projects mainly in the enterprise of our country state-owned joint-stock construction simulation management perspective, through the analysis of China's current state-owned construction enterprise project management status, find out the existing problems and the reasons, and put forward the corresponding optimization suggestion, in order to optimize and promote the steady development of China's state-owned construction enterprises.

Keywords: construction industry, state-owned construction enterprises, joint stock system, management mode


一、模拟股份制管理综述 1

(一)模拟股份制管理的涵义 1

(二)模拟股份制管理理论依据 1

(三)模拟股份制的本质和特点 2

(四)模拟股份制管理与项目实施其他管理方法区别联系 3

(五)推行国有建筑企业项目模拟股份制管理现实意义 3

二、当前国有建筑企业项目管理情况 4

(一)国有建筑企业项目管理现状 4

(二)国有建筑企业项目管理存在问题和影响 4

(三)我国建筑企业项目模拟股份制管理发展历程 4

三、国有建筑企业实施项目模拟股份制管理现状 5

(一)国有建筑企业实施项目模拟股份制管理方法 5

(二)存在不足 5

1、管理模式不科学 5

2、过程把控缺失 6

3、人才流失严重 6

4、项目评估,完善机制缺失 6

(三)国有建筑企业项目模拟股份制管理推行缓慢问题原因 7

四、建筑企业项目模拟股份制管理优化建议 8

(一)优化思路 8

(二)优化原则 8

(三)优化建议 9

1、建立制度体系,保证执行到位 9

2、转变观念,优化管理环境 10

3、强化过程把控 11

4、紧抓节点考核 12

5、竣工结算审计兑现 12

(四)须注意问题 13

参考文献 15

致谢 16



模拟股份制管理主要是指在组织构架中引入股份制的概念,像股份制一样依据岗位和责任划定股份并缴纳风险抵押金来承担风险,在企业获得利润后,利润部分先按事先划定的比例上缴国库,再按职工所持的股份份额来分配余下的利润 。由于是在国有体制下的企业中运行,所以就称为模拟股份制。它的核心是对管理方式和手段的改进,是激励和约束共同存在、共同制约的机制。






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