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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202318434 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网


摘 要



关键词:城市辖区 文化事业 文化设施 文化服务


At this point, the cultural undertakings have been promoted to the new height which is attached great importance by the party and the country, and all places are also in combination with the actual situation vigorously developing the cultural undertakings. However, from the practice, there is a large gap among the speed, quality and levels of the culture development in grass-roots, especially some of which is facing a number of bottlenecks in the cultural industry development. Under this background, this paper takes the W District as an example and analyzes some related issues of the cultural undertakings’ development in the urban areas, to get rid of the restriction and constraints of the development of cultural undertakings, and provide a reference to promote the development of local culture.

This paper deeply analyzes the current situation and problems of cultural undertakings in W District, including the slow development, the low levels, the shortage power, the imperfect facilities, the insufficient capital investment and the personnel construction is lagging behind. This paper discusses these problems, for example, about the slow speed of the cultural development, the main problems are that the insufficient attention from the leadership, adverse effects by the achievement view and the inaccurate cultural positioning; about the low level of the cultural undertakings, the cause is mainly due to the levels of the main cultural leaders, participators and creators are not high; about the shortage power, it’s mainly because the cultural market system is not perfect, the government support is not enough, the system and mechanism of cultural industry is limited; in the imperfect facilities, mainly is lack of the unified planning, the effective investment and the public participation; in terms of cultural talent team construction, mainly is the constraints of the introduction, use and retention of talent, etc. This paper mainly proposes some countermeasures and suggestions to accelerate the development of cultural undertakings in W District, including that to accurately grasp the position and function of the government in the cultural undertakings, to enhance the level of cultural development, to foster the backbone cultural enterprises, to improve the cultural infrastructure, to innovative the cultural service and contents, and to provide a strong guarantee for the development of cultural undertakings. The innovation points of this paper are mainly in the countermeasures and suggestions of the development of cultural undertakings for W District, including that the leading cadres would change the traditional view of achievements and career, pay more attention to the development of cultural undertakings; to establish the financial investment policies matching with the economic development, and ensure that the funds are in place; to creativity put forward the new standard system and enhance the developing level of cultural undertakings; to propose some measures for the cultural enterprises’ development of W District.

Key words: Urban Area Cultural undertakings Cultural Facilities Cultural Service

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.2.1研究目的 1

1.2.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究现状 2

1.3.1 国外研究现状 2

1.3.2 国内研究现状 3

1.4 研究方法 4

1.4.1 比较分析法 4

1.4.2 案例分析法 4

1.4.3 问卷调查法 4

1.5 研究框架 4

1.6 主要创新点 5

第二章 研究基础 6

2.1 相关概念界定 6

2.1.1 文化与文化事业 6

2.1.2 城市辖区 6

2.1.3 政府职能 7

2.2 理论基础 7

2.2.1 市场失灵理论 7

2.2.2 政府失灵理论 8

2.2.3 公共产品理论 9

第三章 X市W区文化事业现状及存在的问题 10

3.1 X市W区简介 10

3.2 W区文化事业现状及发展特点 10

3.2.1 W区文化事业总体现状 10

3.2.2 W区文化事业发展特点 10

3.3 W区文化事业发展存在的问题 11

3.3.1 文化事业发展速度慢 11

3.3.2 文化事业发展层次低 12

3.3.3 文化企业发展不足 13

3.3.4 文化事业设施配套不完善 14

3.3.5 文化事业人才队伍建设滞后 17

第四章 W区文化事业存在问题的原因分析 19

4.1 文化事业发展速度慢的原因分析 19

4.1.1部分领导思想不够重视 19

4.1.2 不科学政绩观的影响 19

4.1.3 对文化事业发展定位不准 20

4.1.4 经济发展水平的制约 20

4.2 文化事业发展层次低的原因分析 21

4.2.1部分文化事业主导者层次不高 21

4.2.2 文化事业参与者层次不高 21

4.2.3 文化事业创作者水平不高 21

4.3 文化企业发展不足的原因分析 21

4.3.1 文化市场体系不完善 22

4.3.2 政府扶持培育力度不够 22

4.3.3 文化行业体制机制限制 22

4.4 文化设施配套不完善的原因分析 22

4.4.1 缺乏统一的规划 23

4.4.2 缺乏有效的投入 23

4.4.3 缺乏民众的参与 23

4.5 文化事业人才队伍建设滞后的原因分析 23

4.5.1 人才引进难题 24

4.5.2 人才使用和留用难题 24

第五章 加快W区文化事业发展的对策 25

5.1 准确把握政府在文化事业发展中的定位与职责 25

5.1.1 政府在文化事业发展中的定位 25

5.1.2 政府在文化事业发展中的职责 25

5.2 提升文化事业发展层次 26

5.2.1创造高水准的文化产品 26

5.2.2 加大对优秀文化产品的政策扶持力度 26

5.2.3 提升全民文化鉴赏力 26

5.3 培育骨干文化企业 26

5.3.1 建立完善文化市场体系 27

5.3.2培育发展文化产业 27

5.3.3 强化对有发展前景企业的扶持 27

5.3.4 推动文化事业体制机制改革 27

5.4 完善基础文化配套设施 28

5.4.1 合理布局文化基础设施 28

5.4.2 因地制宜搭建文化载体平台 28

5.4.3 建立多元化资金投入机制 28

5.5 创新文化服务内容和模式 29

5.5.1 拓展文化服务内容 29

5.5.2 创新文化服务模式 30

5.6 加强文化事业人才队伍建设 30

5.6.1 建立科学人才引进机制 30

5.6.2 建立合理选拔用人机制 31

5.6.3 建立完善留人激励机制 31

5.7 为文化事业发展提供有力保障 32

5.7.1 保证区域经济稳定增长 32

5.7.2 加强区级财源建设 32

5.7.3 优化文化事业发展环境 33

结论 35

参考文献 36

附 录 39

致 谢 42

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

2011年10月15日召开的党的十七届六中全会,专题研究我国文化事业有关工作,中央决策层面利用全委会,专题研究文化课题,这在历史上还属首次。会上,对于我国文化事业发展作出了全面的部署。之后,在党的十八大报告之中,文化建设被放到了突出的位置,专门用一个章节分析建设社会主义文化强国的有关事项。之后,2013年召开的党的十八届三中全会, 又对文化体制改革、建立现代文化市场体系和现代公共服务体系作出论述。从党和国家层面来看,都高度重视文化事业发展,这使得文化事业发展面临着巨大的机遇,也存在着许多的有利条件,如果能够抓住并用好这个机遇,就能够促进文化事业的快速发展,相反,如果不能加快发展文化事业,将会措施良机,甚至给整个国家文化事业发展带来不良影响。






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