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一、引 言


随着经济全球化发展的日益加快,企业的内外部环境也面临着更加激烈的竞争与挑战,在这种情况下,企业所有者和管理层逐渐意识到企业自身经营管理能力对企业经营效益的重要性,也逐渐意识到通过自身经营管理能力的提升来提高企业自身核心竞争力的现实意义。长期以来,国内外多名学者对于绩效管理的理论、方法和效果进行了持续、广泛、深入的研究,形成了丰富的绩效管理理论研究成果,对企业在绩效管理中的实际应用打下了坚实的基础。哈佛大学教授、著名管理学家 Michael Porter 认为,在激烈的企业竞争与快速变化的市场条件下,企业经营能否取得成功,完全取决于产品的质量、成本和提供新产品的速度。因此,通过改进企业和员工在上述方面的工作绩效,达到以改善企业整体绩效为目标的绩效管理活动,越来越受到企业的重视。

进入 21 世纪以来,企业所有者和经营管理者逐渐认识到人力资源管理在企业发展中所起的重要作用,作为人力资源管理其中一部分的绩效管理和相应的绩效考核标准,在企业管理中的作用也越发显得重要。取得良好的经营效益、优化人力资源配置、加强队伍建设和员工力量、合理利用现有的员工资源、提高员工工作水平,是企业管理者理性经营、企业取得科学发展的关键内容,所以,绩效考核不仅仅是大多数人理解的单一考核,而是同薪酬、激励等一系列内容密切相关的综合内容。如何运用好绩效考核标准,最大限度地发挥人员的工作积极性,创造企业的最大化效益,是摆在每个企业(部门)面前的问题。在现代企业中,虽然几乎所有的企业都在进行着大量的考核、评比、奖惩等一系列绩效管理工作,但并不一定都构成了较为完善的绩效管理体系,现有的绩效管理体系也不一定能够完全体现公司决策者的管理意图。由此可见,虽然绩效管理研究成果很丰富,理论也很完善,但是大部分企业的绩效管理实际操作与研究理论还是存在着很大的差距。在这种情况下,一个完善的、有效的绩效管理体系就可以帮助企业解决一部分问题。随着石油、石化行业改革的不断深入,竞争环境的日益残酷,石油销售企业在经营目标、企业文化、员工队伍建设等各方面都面临着很大的挑战,尤其是作为人力资源管理一部分的绩效管理,成为企业实现精细化管理迫切要改进的内容和解决的问题。同时,绩效管理尤其是企业职能部门的绩效考核工作,不仅直接关系到企业管理者自身能力的提升,而且有助于实现企业的战略目标和可持续发展。



中国石油甘肃销售公司作为甘肃石油销售工作的龙头企业,绩效考核体系是否完善,是否真实、准确、全面地反映单位员工的业绩,关系到企业能否创造利益最大化,关系到企业在日益加剧的竞争中能否立于不败之地。本文基于问题导向开展研究,沿着“发现问题—分析问题—解决问题”的研究路径,综合运用KPI、MBO 等工具,从中国石油甘肃销售公司目前的绩效考核标准入手,分析其完善与否,有没有存在问题和不足,针对存在的问题和不足,提出相应的解决方案。








论文的框架结构如图 1-1 所示:














关键绩效指标的原则是 SMART 原则,即:










(一)中石油甘肃销售公司概况....................... 15

(二)中石油甘肃销售公司现行绩效管理模式....................... 16


(一)目标原则与总体思路............................. 21

(二)绩效计划........................ 24

(三)绩效实施与管理................... 27


(一)实施的难点与对策.................... 32

(二)实施的资源与保障..................... 33







2、为了更好地对考核结果进行反馈,同时修正在考核过程中出现的不公现象,由考核办公室定期组织召开由主管领导主持的绩效考核会,对存在异议的内容,以及加、减分项目进行讨论研究,并对确有偏差的考核结果进行补救。这样,既能将考核过程中出现的问题及时解决,又加强了考核人与被考核人之间的沟通,确保了不出现影响员工工作积极性的情况。同时,为了避免被考核人对考核结果出现不满的情况,还应该建立相关申诉制度:如果相关单位或员工有异议,可在反馈考核结果后的 5 个工作日内,向公司的绩效管理办公室或直接向绩效考核委员会、公司绩效评估委员会提交书面投诉,由委员会对最终结果进行澄清,并明确其仲裁结果为最终意见。









ChapterⅠ Introduction

1.1 Background

Base paper also known as processing paper for further processing into a variety of paper. Its nature, quality, and specification vary with the processing requirements. Release paper also known as silicone paper. It’s a prepreg prevent adhesions, but also can protect from contamination prepreg release paper.

[CPP114] News: According to Alexander Watson Association (AWA) "2015 global release paper market, the latest survey report" shows: 2014, the global release paper consumption totaled 43,984 million square meters, of which Asia accounted for 37% of the market, accounting for more than 28% of each European and North American markets. Emerging economies in South America, Africa and the Middle East will share the remaining 7% share.

The report also pointed out that high-quality pressure-sensitive label material is still paper-based and filmic release liner terminal, annual growth rate of 4 percent in 2014, while the global pressure sensitive tape market is showing a thriving scene, the growth rate of about 9.7%.

For manufacturers, the procurement costs occupy the entire production cost for a large proportion, generally 55% -85%, if the company can reduce procurement costs, it will increase profits. Procurement is one of the most important part of all the work in the supply chain, supplier at the beginning of supply chain has a very important significance for the entire supply chain.

Paper companies due to excessive reliance on overseas imports, high cost in procurement, logistics, inventory, and long production cycle, competitive advantage is disappear. It is imperative for implementing local suppliers’ development and management in order to improve the supply chain competitiveness. Creation and management of local suppliers’ partnerships play a decisive role for competition. Supplier delivery times, product quality, service, including technical service and maintenance time is crucial to ensure the smooth daily operation. Therefore, how to develop and manage local suppliers and take advantage of them becomes very hot topic, worthy of corporate research.


1.2 Significance

Because of its rich labor resources, low cost, favorable conditions to undertake the transfer of manufacturing, China form characteristics with processing trade to participate in the international labor pision. L enter China from 2003, but in the localization vendor management facing unscientific of localization vendor selection, unstable manufactured product quality, delivery delays and rising costs and other practical problems, and not have a Line effective supplier performance evaluation system. This article attempts to explore a similar multinational property under certain conditions through L, how to select, assess and manage the suppliers localization, to reduce procurement costs, shorten lead times and delivery cycle of raw materials for the purpose of business development to provide a stable and flexible supply of raw materials localization.

In this paper, the author takes L Company as a case to study localization vendor management improvement and analysis. It provides a very simple and practical method for localization vendor management mechanism. In this article, due to narrow localization vendor management of L's case study, it might provide a more simple and practical structure for the supplier management related businesses with supplier management mechanism mode. At the same time, it established supplier localization process management to provide a constructive mechanism on the basis of related businesses provide a basis for decision making.


Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review

It can be known from chapter I that successful supplier management can help the enterprises to reduce cost, minimize the inventory, improve the competitiveness etc. Considering the management is not only an art, but also a science, thus, a complete set of feasible theory and method is the premise and guarantee for implementing supplier management. Following part will elaborate some theories of supplier management.

2.1 Basic Theory of Supplier Management

2.1.1 Supply Chain Management

SCM is a special partner in the form of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and users. It has a positive impact on the entire channel operation; the key is the activities integration. Global Supply Chain Forum considers that SCM is valuable for the consumer products, services and information, integrated business processes from the source to the final consumer suppliers.

The core concept of SCM is mainly reflected the overall systems thinking, cooperative thinking, Prime Thought. Whole systems thinking, to break the shackles of corporate boundaries, the core upstream and downstream enterprises, production,supply, marketing and other markets to establish external linkages of economic entities, the formation of the chain network, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, consumers regarded the organic link overall, the harmonization of information flow, logistics and cash flow all node members by the overall objective, to get win- win situation; cooperation ideology, SCM based on cooperation and win-win on each reference are all engaged in manufacturing or providing some of the activities necessary for the process, in mutual support, cooperation and coordination to maximize the overall interests and benefit, Prime Thought; SCM is to have a certain expertise and market competitiveness of the upstream and downstream enterprises to cooperate arrangements, the core competitiveness of enterprises merge into a single overall competitiveness, improve market competitiveness, select each node of the supply chain system, follow the principle of combination of gathering the most competitive resources work together, play the whole performance.


2.2 Related Theory of Localization Supplier Manage ment

Collectively supplier management is integrated management of investigation, selection, development, use and control for the supplier. Among them, the investigation is the foundation, select, develop, control is the means, use is the goal.

Source: Supplier Management

Localizationvendor management is premised on suppliers to build supplier networks, establishing strategic partnerships between companies and local suppliers and the implementation of management activities. Localization vendor management is an ongoing dynamic process, including the localization vendor selection and evaluation, assessment, localization suppliers’ daily management and supplier relationship management, localization of content, substantially above this chapter tells Supplier Management the same content. Supplier localization can bring to the enterprise communication smooth cooperation convenient, effectively shorten lead times, increase the flexibility of the supply chain will help shorten product development, improve quality and reduce costs.


Chapter Ⅲ Case Description.................. 25

3.1 Background Introduction of L Group and L Company ............ 25

3.1.1 Company Profile .................. 25

3.1.2 Organizational Structure of L............... 26

3.1.3 Product Introduction .................... 27

3.1.4 General Introduction of L’s Current Supplier Status............ 28

Chapter Ⅳ Case Analysis ........................ 37

4.1 Motives Analysis of Implementing Base Paper Supplier localization ........... 37

4.1.1 Cost Savings................ 37

4.1.2 Optimize the Supply Chain ............ 38

4.1.3 Strengthen the Communication.............. 39

Chapter ⅤSuggestions........................ 48

5.1 Strategies of L select and manage Local supplier .................... 48

5.1.1 Procedure for Selecting Raw Material Local Suppliers...................... 49

5.1.2 Establish Local Suppliers’ Database ............. 51

5.1.3 Establish Strategic Partnership with Suppliers ............ 53

Chapter Ⅴ Suggestions

The early stage of the new suppliers development determines the L ‘s supplier localization management and supply chain operation efficiency in the future. So in the early stage of the potential supplier selection process, the excellent suppliers can not only help the company to control costs and improve the quality, but also both companies can grow up together by active cooperation. The new supplier development is the foundation of supplier localization management for L.

5.1 Strategies of L Select and Manage Local Supplier

From the third chapter that, L’s paper supplier localization is not high, more than 90% of all from United States and Japan and other places, because of aging problems and high inventory phenomenon, leading companies produce passive damaged interests. Developing local suppliers is an urgent problem of L; we need to re-select providers of local partners.

5.1.1 Procedure for Selecting Raw Material Local Supplie rs


Chapter Ⅵ Conclusions and Prospect

6.1 Conclusions

Localization supplier management is a problem in recent years has been widespread concern, this paper studies on the basis of previous, reviews supplier management, supplier localization, supplier local management theory, takes L company as an example, proposed contents: in the modern supply chain system, strategic partnership of manufacturers and suppliers has become a key factor in determining the efficiency of the supply chain and even in success. This paper constructs successively supplier selection model, performance evaluation model of AHP, and Motive Analysis of localization, dilemma analysis of paper supplier localization, risk prevention of paper supplier localization, improve local suppliers ability analysis, in order to resolve L's current procurement, low supplier localization lead to logistics, inventory costs high, long production cycle and other issues, and proposed paper supplier localization coping strategies.

This paper tries to put forward some of own ideas in the field, as well as the author’s thesis research capacity limited and paper ’s length and structure, in some places still need continuous improvement. This will also be the author ’s future research directions: (1) the model established only some qualitative analysis, not quantitative calculations. In addition, the model is feasible, but also the actual proof. (2) This is just a simple analysis of the supplier management, no more in-depth study. For other deficiencies of the paper, the author implores educated teachers to give criticism and recommendations, to benefit from themselves, and continuous improvement.




1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Since the Reform and Opening Up of 1978, China got a great success on the development of society and economy in the past 30 years. Here below are some statistics:

GDP grew to more than RMB¥63,000 billion, average Annual Growth rate was more than 15%. The GDP Amount already ranks to the 2 place around the world, only behind the USA. The Tertiary Industry increased from 25% in 1978 to 48% in 2014.

China’s Foreign Reserve is more than US$3,800 billion, rank the 1st place in the world, while in 1978, this amount was only up to US$150 million. Foreign Trade, as one of the three main driving forces of China’s Economy, attributes a lot to the growth of Economy in China. Import & Export amount grows from US$20,640 million in 1978 to US$4,303 billion in 2014.

In the field of Science and Technology, Manned spacecraft were launched successfully, Moon exploration project is progressing. All of this accomplishment, certify that our social productivity and overall national strength grows a lot.

The Reform and Opening up also improve the quality of life, Average GDP grew from RMB¥382.00 in 1978 to RMB¥46,629.00 in 2014.

In the field of foreign trade, China is facing the most difficult period which have evermet. Firstly, Demand of the whole world market decreased due to the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the United States since 2008, and European sovereign debt crisis in 2009. Secondly, Excess capacity exists among the export-oriented enterprises. Thirdly, Fixed asset investment amount RMB¥4,000,000,000,000.00, cannot be managed well and activated the domestic market. There is most industrial redundant construction in lower quality level.


1.2 Research Objective

As the above mentioned situation, W company’s Swimwear business also faces the same challenge. W company was established in 2001. Now the business pided into 4 parts, which includes Export business of Sports equipment, which is managed under a brand; Aqua Sports Garments, Fashion accessories, and Beach toys & accessories, Swimwear business belong to this part; Production base; and Retail shop for Street fashion brands from US, in domestic market.

Swimwear business was started from 2nd half of 2007, which is based on the MIX & MATCH collection business. We attended to the fair in HK and USA, explored the markets from US, Europe, till Australia, etc. Now, the business in Europe accounts for the biggest part.

Due to the European sovereign debt crisis, its demand decrease, also there are more and more competition from South-East Asia, Africa. The business develops difficultly in this market. Great development in Internet sales also change the way of exploring.

Under such complicated and changing environment, How to adjust the strategy to fit the market is very important. We will use the 4Ps theory to analyze W company’s situation on the fields of Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Finding the obstacles, tracing the reasons and Recommend the solutions on their 4Ps strategy.



2 Literature Review

To better understand W company’s swimwear business and its marketing strategy in the Europe market, some basic theories and concepts should be introduced and figured out, which help the author make a clear analysis of the case.

2.1 Main concept

2.1.1 Swimwear:

Clothing designed to be worn for swimming or at a beach, but now it will be worn in more and more places e.g. party, or other resort occasions. Swimwear appeared long time ago, but due to religious reasons and people’s conservative, it doesn’t develop so much. Until the Olympics games was established at the beginning of 1900’s, swimming became more and more popular, then the swimwear develops also together with the popularity of swimming.

Swimwear is mainly pided into two categories, one is performance style, for sportswear market, famous brands include Speedo, Arena, Nike, Adidas etc. These styles are more concerned on the fabric function, close fitting, the other is fashionable style, for fashion apparel market, famous brands include Seafolly, Victoria’s Secret, Hurley, Roxy etc. They are more concerned on the fashion trend, color, style, comfort etc.

Now, a cross development category between sport and fashion comes out in the past 2 years. Sport company e.g. Nike, puts more fashion into their design, or Fashion Company e.g. Victoria’s Secret develops more and more sportswear with their fashion elements. They want to capture both market segments, to increase their sales.

2.1.2 Market:

There are two kinds of market, consumer markets and business markets. Even the swimwear business is a B2B business, but W company still needs to take their eyes on the consumers and its behavior.

For the business market, it consists of all the organizations that acquire goods and services used in the production of other products or services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others like schools, hospital, and governments. Organization buying is the decision-making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products and services, then identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands and suppliers.


2.2 Main theories and relevant literature

2.2.1 The Four Ps of marketing:

McCarthy classified all the marketing activities as marketing mix tools of four broad kinds, see below:

Each marketing activies will have several variable. Product: includes Product variety, Quality, Design, Features, Brand name, Packaging, Sizes, Services, Warranties, Returns; Price: includes List price, Discounts, Allowances, Payment period, Credit terms; Place: includes Channels, Coverage, Assortments, Locations, Inventory, Transport; Promotion: include sales promotion, Advertising, Sales force, Public relations, Direct marketing.

Company can take the activities in the aspect of above variable factors to stimulate the sales.

As the development of marketing theory, especially the holistic marketing comes out, there are new 4Ps theory to support the implementation of the old 4Ps, they are People, Process, Program, and Performance. People means Internal marketing, which emphosizes the importernce of human resouce management, whether the marketing activies can be implemented successfully, it depends on the capacity of employee; Process is related to all the procedure, rules, and regulation set up for creation on new product, upgrading service, and marketing activities; Program include all the activies related to the old 4Ps strategy, On line and Off line, all of them are integrated for achieving the goal of the company; Performance, it measns a series of accounting or non-accounting index to measuring the result of marketing, e.g. profit, brand value, customer’s satisfaction, through this, company can monitor employee actions and reward good performanc.

The new 4Ps actually are mainly used in the company internal marketing, which can help the employee work more closly.


CHAPTER III CASE DESCRIPTION ................... 13

3 Case Description ................. 13

3.1 General Situation of Textile & Garment Industry ................. 13

3.1.1 . Situation of the world’s market.............. 13

3.1.2 Difficult Situations in Domestic Market .......... 14


4 Case Analyses based on 4Ps Strategy ............ 24

4.1 Analyses on the Product Strategy ................ 24

4.1.1 Core Value of the Swimwear ........ 24

4.1.2 Product Design .................... 26

4.1.3 Product & Service Differentiation ......... 27


5 Recommended Proposals............................ 50

5.1 Recommended Product strategy ............... 50

5.1.1 Improve on Product Workmanship & Quality. .............. 50

5.1.2 Strategy on Product Design to Different Countries ............... 51


5 Recommended Proposals

5.1 Recommended Product strategy

5.1.1 Improve on Product Workmanship & Quality.

Swimwear Garment factory around Canton area still hold the advance production workmanship and management experience, we should keep developing this skills and increasing it, as per some news, for some factories, already set up Assembly line w/hanging system (which is used widely in normal garment, for swimwear it is less used at present). This system speeds up the production effectiveness and enlarges the production capacity.

QA system should be recommended and implemented by the whole production management. “Right First Time” should be advocated within the production team, which can help to low down the inferior rate and save the cost.

In field of factory management, now more and more big customers require factory audit before processing their order. There are 2 kinds of Audit under implementing: One is about BSCI certificate, or Sedex certificate. Both certificates are related to the Social responsibility, Factory have to comply with the requirement and law on minimum salary, attendance, Security equipment against fire etc. The other is about Quality Assurance system audit. Customers are very concerned on the bulk quality, every season they will process the audit about the QA system. Audit will start from Material & Trimming warehouse, then Cutting, Sewing, Packing and final finished products. Every department and production step, required a quality control report to ensure all the products are under controlled and checked. 4 point system, random check and AQL II 2.5/4.0 standards, will be used as the way on checking.



6 Conclusion

6.1 Question Summary and Conclusion

More than 30 years, after reform and opening up; More than 14 years, after entry of WTO of China; More than 8 years, after entry into the swimwear business for W company; We have reached great achievement. But, now we are facing the most difficult period we have ever met. The winter of economy seems that it won’t end up shortly.

Above analysis based on 4Ps theory reflects some difficulties and challenge to W company’s swimwear business, same situation as the whole China’s economy, especially the textile and garment industry.

Product: most companies rely too much on OEM business, which destroyed the enthusiasm on the creation and development of new products. They care more on the workmanship, but less on style, design and demand of final consumer market. We mainly play the role on processing and implementing, but not real manufacturer. Even the whole China advocate CREATION on products now, but we are lack of knowledge on products and detail demand of final consumer market, which made us difficult on such design work. E.g. W company, 95% of products are sold to foreign market, more than 85% of style are from customer’s design. Why the customer has no selected our styles? It is related to the consumer and its culture. Such kind of problem required that we must learn more about the final market. Creation is the soul of design, while the demand of market is the base.



ChapterⅠ Introduction

1.1 Background

With the development of China economy, the domestic food industry grows rapidly. It has become the important pillar industry of national economy. At the same time, food additives have gained a wide range of development, as well as its production and application. Food additives have been widely used in drinks, baked goods, ice cream, seasoning, dairy, alcohol, cigarettes, fish products, wheat flour, edible oil, fruits and vegetables, and fast food etc. In a sense, if there are no food additives, there would be no modern food industry. Food additives have been important for the development of food industry. At the same time, people also began to study the food additive blends in order to meet the market needs. Because of the shortcomings of single ingredients, blends can improve the original quality of single ingredients and create huge synergy effects. Therefore, the blended food additives industry in China grew rapidly. Nowadays, the state government pays more and more attention to food safety problems, the relevant laws and regulations were promptly issued to strictly control the supervision. Consumer awareness of food quality and safety also arose, industry structure and consumer behavior subtly changed. In current complex market environment, each big food companies, especially food ingredients enterprises have to seriously study the market segmentation, market positioning, and develop a suitable marketing strategy to make a breakthrough in the market. It is very urgent and important for the company survival.

Product or service market positioning is the starting point for the whole marketing process. Effective and accurate market positioning is the basic work for an enterprise to make its product research and development, and as well as the market development. The essence of market positioning is to better meet consumer needs and realizes the goal of enterprise market competitive advantage. In the fierce competitive environment, the enterprise has to adopt a scientific and accurate market positioning strategy so that it can effectively and smoothly implement the overall marketing activities, win the market, and achieve the company goal. From the enterprise itself, its managers and staff, financial status and financial strength, the condition of equipment and production capacity, information sensitivity and image in the public, can directly affect the enterprise whether it can provide consumers or users with thebest products and services. As a production enterprise, to meet the needs of target market consumers or buyers, and achieve a satisfactory profit, it must be united with the suppliers, marketing intermediaries, and other enterprises or units to produce qualified products, and use the best channel to deliver the goods to the consumers or users’ hands as soon as possible. Due to the development of mass production, labor pision and cooperation is more and closer, the close coordination with the supplier, sales agents can improve enterprise efficiency, ensure the product quality, reduce cost and obtain good economic benefits.


1.2 Significance

Nowadays, the commodity market has become homogeneous, consumer needs have become more complex, and the commercial war is unprecedentedly fierce. The enterprise how to use its limited resources to provide consumers with suitable products, and find an appropriate market position for their products is important. These can be resolved through market positioning. In the enterprise marketing strategies, enterprises must have a clear market positioning so that it can specify the marketing strategy through its own practical situations. As the American marketing expert Philip Kotler said: "the big mistake of positioning will destroy the enterprise marketing strategy‖. It is clear that market positioning is the first step in the marketing work. An effective and accurate market positioning is the base of product production and market penetration.

In this thesis, the research target is to develop the marketing strategies for G Company to sell ice cream ingredients to ice cream manufacturers, and how to position itself in the ice cream ingredients market.

Firstly, it needs to solve the positioning problems of G Company when entering into the ice cream ingredients market.

Secondly, it is to provide a marketing strategies research sample or reference for other marketers or enterprises in the same industry.


Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review

2.1 Development of Positioning Theory

2.1.1 Development Stage of Positioning Theory

Positioning theory first appeared in 1969, co-sponsored by the AL Rise and Jack Trout, the emergence of the theory opens up new marketing revolutionary theory, competition between enterprises guidance direction. The main course of development in the following stages:

The first stage, positioning. (1970s). In 1969, AL Rise and Jack Trout issued a "positioning: today" ME-TOO "market competition", and published the "positioning times coming," in 1972, in the article they pointed out thatcompanies need to consider marketing from a mental, positioning their products not only to consider their own strengths and weaknesses, will also need to take into account competitors. This marks positioning age coming, positioning thinking in marketing theory has aroused widespread attention and influence.

The second stage, marketing warfare. (1980s). AL Rise and Jack Trout in 1985 published a book "marketing warfare,", focuses on the four common marketing strategy, and pointed out that small businesses can be in a dominant position for their own state, it should be found to be able to hold a small segment of the market. The book is called the marketing industry, ―Art of War‖, and creates a new era of market positioning.

The third stage, the focus (1990s). AL Rise published a book "Focus" in 1996, the book describes the enterprises to choose a smaller positioned to ensure the status of the customer in mind, so grab some reason the market. The view has been focusing a lot of attention to academics and business, the history of the famous GE "one of the best" strategy on inspired, and GE had great success.

The fourth stage, differentiation. (21 century). AL Rise published "The decline and rise of public advertising" in 2002, in which he pointed out why enterprises build brands. AL Rise and Jack Trout once again jointly issued a book "brand of origin," pointed out that the product is bound branches, while differentiation is bound to provide branding opportunities.


2.2 Relationship between Market Positioning Theory and Marketing

2.2.1 Theoretical Integration

(A) An explanation about the competition

Positioning theory emphasizes the view from competition-oriented customer. Kotler marketing theory emphasizes "customer-oriented + competition-oriented," the combination of the guide. Both the guide itself is complementary, inpisible whole. First of all, competition in the final analysis is the competition of corporate marketing to customers; any business cannot only focus on competition, while ignoring customer needs. Any proposed competitive strategy and policy should be based on customer demand, and fell on to meet customer needs, in order to convert it into a competitive advantage. And only than its competitors to meet customer needs more effectively, companies can be successful. Secondly, on the "competition," meaning, the one zero-sum competition conventional sense; the second is a win-win competing states. No matter from which level, the competitiveness of enterprises must be concerned about the needs of customers. Again, from the consequences of competition caused by the view, first, of course, healthy competition will enhance the credibility of the product, but only emphasizes competition will make companies into a vicious competition cycle, and the customer will pay for the cost of this heavy competition, a business competition victim; Second, the vicious competition will cause a great waste of resources in society as a whole, cannot be maximized to meet customer needs. Finally, from the applicability point of view, more competition-oriented perspective from the challenger market, which because of their market position, decided that they must be based on competition from other competitors to win the limited market share. For the market leader, it is more to be playing defense, based on understanding the customer, customer satisfaction, and create new customer needs, in order to defend against competitors' attacks. In addition, positioning itself connotations, by its very nature is an impression in the minds of customers formed to provide customers a reason to buy, but also a commitment to customers, therefore, today's marketing development advocated " + competition-oriented customer-oriented, "the combination of the guide, it is the integration of theory and positioning Kotler marketing theory.


Chapter Ⅲ Case Description ........... 24

3.1 G Company Profile .................... 24

3.1.1 Company Profile ................. 24

3.1.2 Organization Structure .............. 24

3.1.3 Reasons to Enter Ice Cream Market ............. 25

Chapter Ⅳ Case Analysis ................... 34

4.1 Chinese Ice Cream Market Situation ............... 34

4.1.1 Rapid Demand of Ice Cream Ingredients .............. 35

4.1.2 Healthy Natural Ingredients will become the Mainstream ................. 35

4.1.3 Market Development Potential ............. 36

Chapter ⅤSuggestions......................... 47

5.1 Ice Cream Ingredients Business Target Customers of G Company ............... 47

5.2 Ice Cream Ingredients Business Competition Strategies of G Company ...... 48

5.3 Ice Cream Ingredients Business Positioning Strategies of G Company ........ 49

Chapter Ⅴ Suggestions

5.1 Ice Cream Ingredients Business Target Customers of G Company

R&D composite emulsion stabilizer business, mainly concentrated in the economically developed coastal areas. There are already a number of enterprises to take shape. But on the whole, complex emulsion stabilizer mostly small-scale enterprises, small products, low yields, has formed a large-scale production, formed a series of products, quality is stable, less high brand awareness. For now, large complex emulsion stabilizer there are still vacancies in the market, they can continue to learn from foreign advanced experience and technology, so that the industry continues to grow and develop.

According to Diamond Figure positioning model, the first step is to find a place, namely that the target market or target customers. Companies generally only meet part of customers’ some demand, so the ultimate goal is to find market position should meet what specific needs of which customers. So the first step in positioning is first clear customers, what is the target market.


Chapter Ⅵ Conclusions

With the economy development and improvement of people’s living standards, frozen food is no longer a food for quelling thirsty, but a food with combination of convenience, indulgency and health concepts. A good quality frozen food must be with good, sweet, smooth and creaminess mouth feels which should be impressive on consumers. There are many things affect its quality, but a right blend of emulsifier and stabilizer is an important factor to control the quality.

Each emulsifier and stabilizer has its own advantage and disadvantage; each of them can only meet parts of the functionality, it is difficult to reach an ideal effect if only use single ingredients. While there are synergy interactions between emulsifier and stabilizer, emulsion stable system and food system, it can produce a feature that single ingredient cannot meet. Therefore, choosing the right emulsifier and stabilizer blend is important to produce the synergy affects.

The thesis introduces G Company stabilizer blends and the reasons of entering into ice cream market, explores the stabilizer blend can meet higher ice cream product requirements and improvements of its quality, then finally meet consumers’ needs. To look for long-term development, G Company develops new product, enters into new areas, and segments the market from the product technology, geographical location, enterprise scale, and enterprise purchase. And listing the needs of different customers, the reposition the company marketing strategy in order to make a differentiation strategy, and looking for new partners.

The thesis attempt to propose its views on this area, due to the limitation and structure of this paper and the limitation of author’s research capability, there are many aspects need to improve in this thesis. And the followings are what the author would pay attention to study in the future: 1) the thesis is mainly with qualitative analysis, without quantitative study. 2) The thesis only simply analyses the ice cream ingredient market, it doesn’t make a deep research in this field. Regarding other shortcomings of this thesis, sincerely welcome all comments and recommendations from teachers so that the author can benefit from the feedbacks and keep improving the research quality.



Chapter I Introduction

1. Research Objectives

Glass has been used for thousands years. The earliest known glass objects were beads, the mid third millennium BCE in coastal north Syria.[1] Modern glass industry ---“float glass industry” --- begun form 1959 in UK when Sir Alastair Pilkington and his associate Kenneth Bickerstaff, developed the world's first commercially successful manufacture of high quality flat glass using their float glass process. Because float glass process cleverly using gravity force and surface tension forces of glass, float glass became smooth as mirror, whose surface quality can be comparable with those mechanical polished glass. Further float glass production capacity is great; efficiency is higher than those old methods by several decades’ times. Float glass manufacture process invention quickly draw all the attention in Global glass industry, was declared as a new revolution in flat glass industry, and quickly spread to the entire world. Nations eagerly in line bought this U.K. Patent, so that built float glass production lines in domestic.

As Glass manufacturing technology’s great improvement, in 2010 Globe flat glass production reached 55 million tons. In past two decades, globe glass production grew higher than GDP growth. In view of long term, globe glass demand may be keep 4% growth, as Glass application fields enlarged and more and more architectures and autosdesigners incline to use glass components.


2. Meaning of the Research

Environment protection has become critical society issue in today’schina. After crazy GDP growth chasing, environment violations were serious. Since 1990, China glass production lines had been soaring up to decades times. Until Nov 2012, China has 268 float glass lines and other 49 lines on construction. Hebei province was the most.

Waste glass recycling can reduce environment pollution. One reason is waste glass weathering process is very slow, lasting for hundreds years. The waste glass in landfills is nearly no decomposing, in comparison with decomposition process of most of organic wastes. Today’s china people cannot find enough landfills, and waste dumping landfills are environment violations, sometimes were environment pollution when protection measures were not sufficient. It was reported 15%-25% flat glass is wasted in industry processing, including cutting, grinding, polishing, assembling etc. Another reason is glass recycling saving energy. Energy saving reduces carbon dioxide emission, and other environment impacts. It was reported when using 60% waste glass in glass production instead of rough raw material it reduces 6%-22% atmosphere pollution and saves 6% energy .


Chapter II Literature Review

1. Basic concepts

To fully comprehend the strategic development of micro innovative technology enterprise, some classic theories and concepts should first be introduced and only by figuring out the these basic concepts used in strategic development and theories of Micro-enterprise can the author make a clear analysis of following case.

The following several basic concepts will be defined first in the thesis. Namely,

1)Micro-enterprise, 2)Development strategy, 3)Focusing strategy, 4)Non-equity strategic alliance

1.1 Micro-enterprise

A micro-enterprise (or micro-enterprise) is a type of small business, often registered, having five or fewer employees and requiring seed capital of not more than $35,000. The term is often used in Australia to refer to a business with a single owner-operator, and having up to 20 employees. The European Union defines micro-enterprises as those that meet 2 of the following 3 criteria and have not failed to do so for at least 10 years:

The term micro-enterprise connotes different entities and sectors depending on the country.

In China, four major government departments including Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Bureau of Statistics, National Development and Reform Commission and Treasury Department studied and enacted An Regulation on the pision Standard for Small and Medium-sized Enterprise in 2011. In the regulation, Small and Medium-sized enterprises are pided into three types, Small sizedenterprise, Middle sized enterprise and Micro-enterprise according to the number of employee, business turnover and asset size.


2. Brief introduction of the strategic development theory of

Micro-enterprise This thesis makes a brief introduction of the strategic development theory of Micro-enterprise from the following five aspects. Namely,(1)Theories on the advantage and disadvantage of Micro-enterprise development;(2)Theories on the opportunities and challenges faced by Micro-enterprise(;3)The development strategy for Micro-enterprise(;4)Strategic choice of financing for Micro-enterprise; (5)The study of Micro-enterprise is still at an initial stage.

2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of Micro-enterprise development

Professor Nan Zhizheng (2004) and Zhou Ping (2002) made an in-depth study on the advantage and disadvantage of Micro-enterprise development. Form their study the advantages of Micro-enterprise are as follows:

AS the market and Business models are changing fast, there are big companies teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Some of them are so steeped in outdated business practices that they cannot adapt quickly enough to avoid hitting the iceberg. But a Micro-enterprise company can adapt more quickly.

While big corporations may have an advantage in marketing budget andbuying power, Micro-enterprises are usually better at having substance. They can respond to their customers more quickly and efficiently and provide more personalized service. They can specialize and prosper in a smaller niche market that would be impractical for a bigger company. Another advantage of Micro-enterprise is that the management of assets and liabilities is not a difficult task. Assets include checking and savings accounts while liabilities include the money you owe to others. Additionally keeping a cash transaction record is easily maintainable in a small business.

Every coin has two sides the development of Micro-enterprise is not an exception. The disadvantages of Micro-enterprise are also quite clear. The disadvantage of a Micro-enterprise is that since it is run on a low budget, it requires tremendous marketing and the planning and implementation of proper strategies. The improper handling of loans or investments can often lead to the downfall of a Micro-enterprise very quickly.

As long as a Micro-enterprise wants to expand its market share to cope with the fast development of the entire economy, it needs an easy and convenient access to financing. But the reality is that financing has become the biggest headache for Micro-enterprise manager.


Chapter III Case Description ..............25

1. Background Information ..............25

2. Jade-like Micro-crystalline Glass ..............27

3. Wood-like low density ceramic ................27

Chapter IV Case Analysis...................31

1. Analysis of the Internal Environment .........31

1.1 Business Model ................ 31

1.2 4Ps (Product Price Place Promotion) market strategy .............. 32

1.3 Profit and Loss Balance Analysis in worse case (break-even).. 33

Chapter V Basic Suggestions ...........44

1. Increasing resource input ................44

2. Improving marketing and selling capacity .................44

3. Adopting Focus Strategies ..................44

4. Non-equity strategic alliance...............45

Chapter V Basic Suggestions

1. Increasing resource input

It is meanless only to tell potential customers that our products made from 95% waste glass or it is environment protection products. Environment protection is not Chinese customers’ priorities. It is not enough to make out mosaic tiles. Most of potential customers need a decorative solution more than decorative products. So talent of architectural designing is necessary. In review of recent difficulties on mosaic marketing and selling, lack of resource, at aspects of not only financing but also necessary talents, is the obstacle for entrepreneurship. To increase resource input is necessary.

After investigation of potential customers consuming behaviors, most of potential customers need a decorative solution more than decorative products. To tell our potential customers how our tiles can be used in their house and what kind of decorative feeling can be created, should be put into our focus strategies. It is not enough to make out mosaic tiles, but to design its application solution for house decoration and to make sure its decorative effects. So for focus strategy implement, talent of architectural designing is necessary.


Chapter VI Conclusion and Research Prospects

1. Focus strategies should be applied by small and micro enterprises

As a new enterprising, limited by scale and resource, it possibly should focus on one niche market. To anchor target niche market is essential for business success. Focus strategies should be applied by small and micro enterprises. On the other hand, market is changing, becoming more persifying and personalized, as younger generations after 80s and 90s are gradually becoming main force of customer market. The trend of persifying and personalized creates more niche markets. Big enterprises could not satisfy customers in all niche markets. It leaves niche opportunities for small and micro enterprises. M company possibly is better to focus on jade-like glass ceramic mosaic market, try the best to offer high quality and special products in the niche market.

On higher view of whole ecological environment, whole society, and whole waste glass recycling rather than merely glass ceramic manufacturing, build up non-equity strategic alliance with citizens, waste glass collecting operators, refining factories, and government, win-win cooperation. It is possibly helpful for green building enterprises developing. Environment protection has become more and more serious society problem in recent years. On the other hand, whole society and government have realize the importance of living environment, and have been doing many efforts to protect our living environment. What M company does is not merely supply glass ceramic mosaic, but offers the solutions of environment protection, enlarge waste glass recycling industry for our beautiful living environment.



Chapter I.Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Shipbuilding industry is an important part of China's national economy, China's market share in the world's shipbuilding industry has gradually surpassed South Korea and Japan, towards the goal of world shipbuilding power country. But in recent years, affected by the global shipping market sluggish, oil prices continued to fall, the new ship orders undertake by our country fell sharply, the market for marine engineering had shrunk significantly.

In the first half of 2015, the completion deadweight tonnage of national shipbuilding is 1853 million, rose by 6.3% compared with the same period last year, among which ships correction gross tonnage is 637 million; The deadweight tonnage of new ship orders undertake is 1119 million, declined by 72.6% compared to the same period last year, among which ships correction gross tonnage is 413 million. Although the completion of the domestic shipbuilding tonnage has increased during the first half of 2015, but the number of new orders has dropped sharply over 70%.

In order to increase new orders and maintain the original order, many shipbuilding enterprises have to cut price to maintain market competitiveness, continuous compression of profits and homogenization of vicious competition, resulting in the death cycle of the shipbuilding enterprises selves operation: death because of lost if receive the order and wait to death if no receive the order.

There is a certain gap compared with the world’s advanced level in the new field of independent research and development, equipments support, system integration, marine engineering, luxury cruise design and construction and other fields. Low cost advantage is gradually weakening.


1.2 Research Problems

Based on the actual situation of the shipbuilding industry, the three major problems of the difficulty for taking the order, the difficulty for delivering the vessel and the difficulty for financing had exacerbated the plight of the shipbuilding industry. Withthe continued decline in prices, prices seriously deviate from the value, the shipbuilding enterprises had no profit at all and is increasingly sluggish. The tighten credit lines from the banks, the delay payment from the ship owner, the operations problems from the shipbuilding enterprises themselves, etc., are the reasons of letting the shipbuilding enterprises to enter into the winter.

In the face of this kind of environment, what kind of competitive strategy which should be adopted by our country's shipbuilding enterprises would have a direct impact on the development of China's shipbuilding industry.

Only to accelerate the transformation and upgrading, development of intelligent manufacturing, reduce costs, improve production efficiency and increase R & D investment, to allow the shipbuilding enterprises to embark on a new era of development path, not to shoot dead on the beach. Especially under the “One Belt and One Road” the country rare strategic opportunity, shipbuilding enterprises should accelerate the transformation and speed upgrade footsteps, continue to implement and improve the low cost competitive strategy, to seek long-term development.


Chapter II Literature Review

2.1 Core Concept Clarification

2.1.1 Strategy Enterprise

Strategy is a top-down process of the overall planning, and it can be pided into several aspects, such as corporate strategy, function strategy, business strategy, product strategy and so on.

Enterprise strategy is a general term for a variety of strategies, including competitive strategy, also including marketingstrategy, development strategy, brand strategy, financing strategy, technology development strategy,talent development strategy, resource development strategy, and so on. Enterprise strategy is emerging, such as information technology is a new strategy. Although there are a variety of enterprise strategies, but the basic attributes are the same, is the strategy of the enterprise, is a strategy for the overall, long-term, basic issues of the enterprise. For example: the enterprise competition strategy is the strategy to the enterprise competition, is a strategy for the enterprise to compete for the integrity, long-term, basic issues. Enterprise marketing strategy is the strategy of marketing, is a strategy for the enterprise marketing integrity, long-term, basic issues. Enterprise technology development strategy is a strategy for the development of enterprise technology, is a strategy for the overall, long-term, basic issues of enterprise technology development. Enterprise talent strategy is the strategy for the development of enterprise talent, is the enterprise talent development of the overall, long-term, basic issues of strategy. And so on, are all the same. Each enterprise strategy has the same also different, the same is the basic attribute, the difference is the level of planning problems and perspectives. In short, regardless of which aspect of the strategy, as long as the enterprise is involved in the overall, long-term, basic issues, it belongs to the category of corporate strategy.

When a company successfully developed and implemented the creation value of the strategy, it is able to obtain strategic competitiveness.

A strategy is designed to develop the core competitiveness, to obtain competitive advantage of a series of integrated, coordinated agreement and action. If choose astrategy, the company has made the choice in the different competition way. In this sense, the strategic choice shows what the company is going to do, and what not to do.


2.2 Relevant Literature

Michael Potter first proposed the industrial position of the enterprise in the "competitive strategy" (1980). Optional competitive strategy includes cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and target concentration strategy. Potter follow-up work "competitive advantage" (1985), the research on how to establish and maintain its competitive advantage, the theory of cost strategy has been enriched and developed. At present, there are two aspects of the research on the relationship between the cost strategy balance, cost strategy driving factor and the performance relationship.

Research on Cost Strategy Balance

Since Michael Potter proposed three basic cost strategies, there has always been acontroversy over the issue of compatibility between strategic choice and strategy. Many scholars have a negative attitude to balance opinions of the cost leadership and differentiation strategy. Jones and Butler (1988)’ research found that the cost leadership and differentiation strategy is not completely opposite, just a different degree. They pide the enterprise cost into manufacturing cost and transaction cost. when the two are included in the same strategic analysis system, When the enterprise implements the strategy of differentiation, the cost of the transaction and the cost of manufacturing is the lowest and achieve the cost leadership during the achievement of differentiation strategy.

Hill (1988) believes that the adoption of differentiation strategy can be used as a way to achieve cost leadership in the competition, in many cases, companies can establish a lasting competitive advantage through the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and cost leadership.

W - Money -Gold and Renee and Mauborgne (2005) doubt the views of the balance between the value of the product and the cost, they believe that by increasing and creating some of the value elements that are not provided by the existing industries, and eliminate and reduce the industry's existing value elements, the enterprise may also pursue differentiation and cost leadership, that is, the lower cost to provide the buyer with the value of a breakthrough.


Chapter III Case Description......................17

3.1 Company Profile ......................17

3.2 Challenges Facing.............18

Chapter IV Case Analysis ....................20

4.1 Analysis on Shipbuilding Industry................20

4.1.1 Macro Environment Analysis ................. 20

4.1.2 Industrial Environment Analysis..................... 24

Chapter V Suggestions....................66

5.1 Strategy Optimization...................66

5.1.1 Strengthen the Weak Links of Value Chain Cost Control ................. 66

5.1.2 Reconstruction and Evaluation of Value Chain.............. 70

5.1.3 Process Improvement...................... 71

Chapter V Suggestions

5.1 Strategy Optimization

5.1.1 Strengthen the Weak Links of Value Chain Cost Control

After many years of development and renewal, the current value chain of Ever Grow Shipyard has made a great progress in the implementation of the low cost ability, through the product competition in the market can be seen. Generally speaking, the regular competitive company carry the competition according to the market rules, the product price in Ever Grow Shipyard has not been seriously threatened, the cost level of Ever Grow Shipyard compared with other private institutions and state-owned company has been in a very favorable position, but this does not mean that the company's cost has reached the best level, if Ever Grow Shipyard attempt to achieve business growth market expansion through low cost advantage, Ever Grow Shipyard's cost must be further reduced, and from the analysis of the current value chain, some cost control of Ever Grow Shipyard's value chain still exist weak link, need to improve.


Chapter VI Conclusion and Research Prospects

6. 1 Research Prospects

6.1.1 Information System and Value Chain

With the development of information technology, information systems are becoming important competitive tools for enterprises gradually, and information technology is closely linked with the competitive advantage. Today, many industries, businesses and government organizations adopt information systems to improve efficiency and decision-making. For the low cost competitive strategy of Ever Grow Shipyard, the information system application will effectively promote the realization of the strategic objectives.

In the operation of the value chain, the logistics, capital flow and information flow form the three major mobile media of value chain, for the implementation of low cost competitive strategy, the most influential and difficult control is the information flow. First in Ever Grow Shipyard value chain, information as an asset, there is no standardized confirmation and management, lack adequate knowledge for what is information, how do information exchange, how the information create value. Secondly, lack clear understanding for the relationship between the information, efficiency and cost, a lot of people still remain in the doubt stage of the information technology. Therefore it could be said that the value chain of Ever Grow Shipyard is a traditional value chain. If use information system introduction and application to promote the management of various value activities, the low cost competitive strategy implementation would bring a strong role in promoting. For example, with the information system, Ever Grow Shipyard can build the product cost database, the cost improved area could demonstrate in front of the manager clearly. Also use the electronic business mode to let the value chain internal connection to become more smooth and simple through the comprehensive and quick information. It can also strengthen the materials plan management, so that the company's inventory could be effectively controlled, so improve the utilization of funds. The value chain which beinvolved by information system become increasingly digital, and this has a direct guidance to the low cost of the breakthrough. In the past, Ever Grow Shipyard need to spend a few days for checking the inventory, and the dynamic changes of inventory show nothing for the information system, the materials plans are always based on the experience of production management personnel.







































































































































































































































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