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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202312307 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网

Chapter I Introduction

1. Research Background, Objectives and Significance

1. 1 Research Background​

With the rapid development of the national economy and the improvement of theliving standard of the people, the demand for persification of tourism products hasincreased significantly. The island, with its abundant natural ecological resources,pleasant climate, fresh air and unique cultural resources, the development of themodern science and technology information industry, the convenience oftransportation is also greatly enhanced. In addition, the development of modernscience and technology information industry, the convenient transportation, theaccessibility and comfort of island tourism, island tourism has become a uniquecharm of the complex tourism products.

​Zhuhai is located in the south of Guangdong Province which of the Pearl Riverestuary on the west bank, the brink of the South China Sea, Macao to the south, watereven Hong Kong. A total area of the land and sea is 7836 square kilometers, of whichsea area of 6135 square kilometers, 731 kilometers long coastline. It is the largestmarine city of the Pearl River Delta coastal cities. It has rich marine resources andmany islands. It known as 100 Island City in the world. Among them, the area ofmore than 500 square meters of 147 islands, accounting for 77% of the total. The vastmajority of islands located in the southeast of Wanshan Islands waters in Zhuhai. Theisland area is 314.56 square kilometers. Coastline is 601.77 kilometers. In the PearlRiver Delta coastal cities, because of the largest area, the largest number, the longestcoastline, the island's most abundant resources of Zhuhai, the island has becomeZhuhai tourism characteristics and unique brand advantage. In 2015, the number ofZhuhai island tourism more than 500,000 people, comprehensive income of more than500 million yuan .


​2. Research Method and Technology Roadmap

2.1 Research Method

Literature research. Through the library, bookstore, knowledge network, Wan fangand other sites extensive collection and research at home and abroad on tourismenterprise development strategy related literature research, understanding of domesticand foreign travel enterprises development status, master tourism enterprisedevelopment strategy of the latest trend. This paper is to summarize and analyze therelevant literature resources, to fully understand the important conclusions andmethods in the analysis, and to establish the analysis methods related to this paper,and to provide the theoretical basis for the writing structure of the paper.

Comparative analysis. The study on the development strategy of the Dong Ao Islandtourism project of Z company is not isolation. In the process of the whole strategicanalysis of the paper, with reference to the macro-market environment of the wholeisland tourism and the situation of the competitors, the strategic analysis of Zcompany is guaranteed to be accurate and objective.

​Data research method. Collect relevant government, enterprises, third-partyinstitutions and other published data, organize and analyze, grasp the macroeconomicand tourism industry trends.

​Interview. Through the company's management staff and Dong Ao tourism projectfront-line staff and visitors to communicate, exchange, access to a wealth ofinformation.


Chapter II Literature Review

1. The Strategy

​Strategy comes from the military concept. In the middle Ages, the word strategos inGreek is composed of the words "army" and "leadership", and its connotation is theart of commanding the army, referring to the use of military means in the war purposeof a science. The strategy theory is not long in the enterprise management. It pidesinto three stages. First, the environment adaptation school's classical strategicmanagement theory stage. Secondly, the industrial organization theory school'scompetitive strategy theory stage. Finally, the resource-based theory of the corecompetitiveness of the theoretical stage. Enterprise strategic management enablesenterprises to confirm their mission and in accordance with the organization's internaland external environment to develop strategic objectives, develop strategies to ensurethe smooth realization of goals, and through the rational allocation of internalresources to maximize its effectiveness to ensure strategy and the implementation ofdecision-making as well as in the implementation process of effective control of adynamic management process.

​Since the 70s of 20th century, there have been a lot of researches on the developmentof tourism industry and tourism industry in foreign countries. After decades ofdevelopment, especially in the 21st century, many developed countries scholars havemade rich research results. The research on the development strategy of tourismenterprises in China started relatively late in the 1990s. It was only in the 1990s thatthere was an active period. The scholars of our country had a deep discussion on thedevelopment strategy of tourism enterprises, and put forward a lot of elaboration onthe connotation of tourism enterprises development strategy. These are four aspects:the tourism enterprise's overall strategy, the market development, the brand and theproduct strategy.


​2. The Strategy of Tourism Enterprises

2.1 The Overall Strategy of Tourism Enterprises

​Evans (1983) studied the overall strategic objectives and strategies of tourismenterprises, clearly pointed out that the tourism industry was a service industry.Compared with the traditional manufacturing industry, tourism enterprises strategicmanagement focus should be different. In the application of strategic managementtheory and principles of the general principles of tourism enterprises strategic analysisshould take into account the special needs of the tourism industry. Peter M. Burns(1997) studied the development strategy of tourism enterprises including three aspects.The first aspect was the future development of tourism. The second aspect tourismenterprise development strategy was long-term flexible system engineering. The thirdaspect tourism enterprise development strategy should include long-term strategy,medium-term plan and the recent budget action plan. Zhang Hui (2004) pointed outthat China's tourism enterprises within the business convergence, the departmentshifted from cooperation to competition, although the short term can improvecorporate profits, but seriously damaged the corporate image. Therefore, the internalorganizational innovation of tourism enterprises was urgent.Organizational innovationwas a systematic project which needs the support of strategy formulation, businessprocess reengineering, human resource construction and cultural shaping. HeXiaorong (2009) analyzed the present situation of internationalization strategyadopted by Chinese tourism enterprises, and pointed out that there are subjectiveblindness and lack of flexibility in the internationalization strategy of China's tourismenterprises and put forward the valid recommendations in strategy ofinternationalization of tourism enterprises in China. According to the characteristicsof the tourism industry, Zou Yimin (2013) studied the basic theory of strategicmanagement with the strategic formulation of tourism enterprises, and pointed out thebasic principles and the basic methods and steps of the development strategymanagement of tourism enterprises.


​Chapter III Case Description.............14

1. The Basic Profile of Z company...............14

1.1 Brief Introduction of Z company........... 14

1.2 Brief Introduction of the Dong Ao Island Tourism Project.............. 15

​Chapter IV Case Analysis1. Analysis of the Macroscopic Environment................ 28

1.1 Analysis of the Policy and Legislation Environment..............28

1.2 Analysis of the Economic Environment..................34

Chapter V Basic suggestions............58

1. Strategic Objects................ 58

1.1 Long-term Objects............... 58

1.2 Medium-term Objects.......................... 58

Chapter V Basic Suggestions

1. Strategic Objectives

1.1 Overall Objectives​

​Z company in the process of investment and development of the island of Zhuhai,follow the "unity, innovation, efficient, aggressive, clean" spirit of enterprise, "hardwork, dedication, teamwork, realistic and efficient" corporate culture, island tourismresources as the core, in-depth excavation of island resources development potential,and constantly strengthen the island tourism product innovation, enhance the qualityof tourism services, upgrade management level and management ability, improve thecompetitiveness of enterprises, build core competitiveness, achieve substantialexpansion of market, business expansion, to maintain the development advantages tocapital operation as the driving force, through the occasion of the rapid growth oflisted companies, continue to think about corporate financing forms and forms ofdevelopment, and strive to create conditions for domestic or foreign market, the Zcompany to develop into a first of the island tourism development of modernenterprises, Zhuhai has become the main force of the island tourism development.


​Chapter VI Conclusion and Research Prospects

1. Conclusion

​In recent years, China's rapid economic development, along with China's rapideconomic growth and people's savings increased, as many island cities economicpillar industries,the island tourism industry is also booming . In this paper, as a newisland tourism investment enterprises, Z company tries to get involved in the islandtourism project, this paper draws on strategic management theory, businessmanagement theory and other research results on the basis of literature, comparativeanalysis. The data research method, the interview method to study the Dong Ao Islandtourism project development strategy questions. Based on the purpose andsignificance of this study, this paper puts forward the methods, ideas and maincontents of that based on the research of domestic and foreign tourism enterprises'strategic issues. It summarizes the research of tourism enterprise development strategy,clarifies the related concepts of tourism enterprises. This paper analyzes andcomments on the past views of tourism enterprises, summarizes the shortcomings andshortcomings of the previous research, and puts forward the supplement of theprevious research. By summarizing the development of Z company, the author pointsout the problems of Z company, and identifies the key problems that Z companyneeds to solve. Through the case analysis of Z company and using PEST and Porter'sfive-force analysis model, the author analyzes the external environment of Z company,analyzes the internal environment of Z company, determines the advantages anddisadvantages of Z company, finds out the problems faced by the companyopportunities and threats. The paper puts forward the principles, objectives, planningand strategic positioning of the development strategy of the tourism developmentstrategy of the company, and formulates the development strategy in line with theactual situation of Z company. This paper puts forward the safeguard measures for theimplementation of the development strategy of tourism projects in the Dong Ao Islandof Z company. The specific implementation includes human resources safeguard​ measures, project fund raising measures, project brand building measures andcorporate culture safeguard measures.


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