中国生态文明建设对策探析China Ecological Civilization Construction Count

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中国生态文明建设对策探析China Ecological Civilization Construction Countermeasures




Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China's rapid economic development, but also exposed the problems of the protection of the ecological environment, the ecological crisis has evolved into a global environmental problems of the environment. Human beings to plunder the natural resources oriented industrial civilization began to arouse public reflection, people have realized the importance of sustainable development of human society Protect environment for long-term health. Based on this proposed the theory of the construction of ecological civilization is the product was born in this background, ecological civilization has become a new form of civilization and material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, social civilization complement each other, mutual promotion, mutual influence, mutual development. The concept of ecological civilization represents the development direction of future human society. The ecological problem is very serious in our country at the present stage, the Party Congress meeting will determine the development road of ecological civilization construction, that the construction features of Chinese socialism prophetic vision, pointed out the development way to effectively coordinate and solve the relationship between man, society and nature.

System research method in this paper also system of Marx's methodology of ideological viewpoints, follow the unity of history and logic and from the abstract to the concrete research context, the introduction, describes the research background, purpose and significance, research methodology and framework, the research status at home and abroad, the first part, Marxism ecological civilization theory outlined, respectively from the connotation, contents and characteristics of the three aspects of the theory of Marx ecological civilization, from the concept, characteristics, necessity three overview of the theory of ecological civilization construction. The second part, the analysis of existing problems and causes of China's ecological civilization construction. The third part, respectively from the aspects of theory and practice that the value theory of Marx ecological civilization to ecological civilization construction of our country. The fourth part, separately from the ideological concept, economic regulation, policy three aspects and puts forward the countermeasures to Marx's theory of ecological civilization to guide the ecological civilization construction of our country. The fifth part is the concluding part, reviews the main viewpoints of the whole thesis, points out the innovation and deficiencies, and analyzes the research direction of this topic.This study based on the current situation of our society, from theory to practice, combined with the actual problems of ecological civilization construction of our country, put forward corresponding countermeasures, aiming at the ecological construction of our country and provide some suggestions and countermeasures.

Keywords: Marx's ecological view; the construction of ecological civilization; harmonious society; human and nature

引言 4

0.1选题的背景 4

0.2选题的目的 4

0.3选题的意义 4

0.4研究的方法及框架 4

0.5国内外研究现状 5

0.5.1国内研究现状 5

0.5.2国外研究现状 6

第一章 马克思生态文明理论及生态文明建设理论概述 7

1.1马克思生态文明理论的基本思想 7

1.1.1马克思生态文明理论的内涵 7

1.1.2马克思生态文明理论的基本内容 7

1.1.3马克思生态文明理论的特征 8

1.2生态文明建设理论概述 8

1.2.1生态文明的内涵 8

1.2.2生态文明的特点 9

1.2.3生态文明建设的必要性 9

第二章 我国生态文明建设存在的问题及原因分析 10

2.1我国生态文明建设存在的主要问题 10

2.2制约我国生态文明建设的因素分析 12

第三章 马克思生态文明理论指导我国生态文明建设的价值 13

3.1马克思主义生态理论指导我国生态文明建设的理论价值 13

3.2马克思主义生态理论指导我国生态文明建设的实践价值 14

第四章 马克思生态文明理论指导我国生态文明建设的对策 14

4.1从思想观念层面用马克思生态文明理论指导生态文明建设 14

4.2从经济调控层面用马克思生态文明理论指导生态文明建设 15

4.3从政策制定层面用马克思生态文明理论指导生态文明建设 17

结束语 18

参考文献 20

致谢 23












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